Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would (2024)


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29 juil. 2018

  • Japonais
  • Anglais (USA)

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Question à propos de Anglais (USA)


Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (2)

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29 juil. 2018

Réponse la plus appropriée

  • Anglais (USA)

Wow. This is a lot:Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea of teaching a second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, teaching a second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. Meaning, a child often struggles to make themselves understood in one language or often mixes words from both languages while developing sentence structures. Secondly, there are much more important things that parents and/or teachers could be teaching children. For example, perfecting a child’s writing skills. Expanding a child’s vocabulary through speaking and reading their mother tongue. These basic building blocks vastly improve a child’s comprehension of math and science. Social and cultural education can be explored in greater detail, making a well rounded and open minded person in a global market. Time spent on teaching a second language is time lost on the etiquette and importance of getting along with other people. For these reasons, teaching a second language in early childhood is not important and impedes a child’s learning of the basics building blocks that create a strong foundation for the child’s later successes. PS- I took a lot of liberties with you statement. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Wow. This is a lot:

Bilingual education
I do not agree with the idea of teaching a second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, teaching a second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. Meaning, a child often struggles to make themselves understood in one language or often mixes words from both languages while developing sentence structures.

Secondly, there are much more important things that parents and/or teachers could be teaching children. For example, perfecting a child’s writing skills. Expanding a child’s vocabulary through speaking and reading their mother tongue. These basic building blocks vastly improve a child’s comprehension of math and science. Social and cultural education can be explored in greater detail, making a well rounded and open minded person in a global market. Time spent on teaching a second language is time lost on the etiquette and importance of getting along with other people.

For these reasons, teaching a second language in early childhood is not important and impedes a child’s learning of the basics building blocks that create a strong foundation for the child’s later successes.

PS- I took a lot of liberties with you statement. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Utilisateur bien noté

Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (4)

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29 juil. 2018

  • Anglais (USA)
  • Espagnol (Mexique)

pretty good but there are some errorseducation I do not agree with the idea OF teaching A second language to children in early childhood. There are two MAIN reasons to say so. Firstly(using fist is good to), teaching A second language in AN early age would make children halfway speakers. MEANING people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents AND teachers should teach children, for example writing, speaking and reading THEIR mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching A second language WOULD lose the time for these education(this sounds a bit odd, maybe rethinking the sentence would work) In the result, teaching second language in AN early childhood is not important and giveS a bad impact for children.use the article a more often

pretty good but there are some errors

I do not agree with the idea OF teaching A second language to children in early childhood. There are two MAIN reasons to say so.
Firstly(using fist is good to), teaching A second language in AN early age would make children halfway speakers. MEANING people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often.
Secondly, there are other important things that parents AND teachers should teach children, for example writing, speaking and reading THEIR mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching A second language WOULD lose the time for these education(this sounds a bit odd, maybe rethinking the sentence would work)
In the result, teaching second language in AN early childhood is not important and giveS a bad impact for children.

use the article a more often

Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (11)

Est-ce que cette réponse était utile ?


29 juil. 2018

  • Anglais (USA)

Wow. This is a lot:Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea of teaching a second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, teaching a second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. Meaning, a child often struggles to make themselves understood in one language or often mixes words from both languages while developing sentence structures. Secondly, there are much more important things that parents and/or teachers could be teaching children. For example, perfecting a child’s writing skills. Expanding a child’s vocabulary through speaking and reading their mother tongue. These basic building blocks vastly improve a child’s comprehension of math and science. Social and cultural education can be explored in greater detail, making a well rounded and open minded person in a global market. Time spent on teaching a second language is time lost on the etiquette and importance of getting along with other people. For these reasons, teaching a second language in early childhood is not important and impedes a child’s learning of the basics building blocks that create a strong foundation for the child’s later successes. PS- I took a lot of liberties with you statement. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Wow. This is a lot:

Bilingual education
I do not agree with the idea of teaching a second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, teaching a second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. Meaning, a child often struggles to make themselves understood in one language or often mixes words from both languages while developing sentence structures.

Secondly, there are much more important things that parents and/or teachers could be teaching children. For example, perfecting a child’s writing skills. Expanding a child’s vocabulary through speaking and reading their mother tongue. These basic building blocks vastly improve a child’s comprehension of math and science. Social and cultural education can be explored in greater detail, making a well rounded and open minded person in a global market. Time spent on teaching a second language is time lost on the etiquette and importance of getting along with other people.

For these reasons, teaching a second language in early childhood is not important and impedes a child’s learning of the basics building blocks that create a strong foundation for the child’s later successes.

PS- I took a lot of liberties with you statement. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Utilisateur bien noté

Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (18)

Est-ce que cette réponse était utile ?


30 juil. 2018

  • Japonais

Thank you for checking my writing! I'll keep your advice in my mind.

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Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (26)

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Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (27)Quel est ce symbole?

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Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (28)

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Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would make children halfway speakers. It means people who cannot make themselves in one language or who mix some languages too often. Secondly, there are other important things that parents or teachers should teach children, for example writing and speaking and reading mother language, math, science, social education, how to get along with other people, etc. Teaching second language lose the time for these education. In the result, teaching second language in early childhood is not important and give a bad impact for children. (29)

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Could you tell me where my writing is wrong or unnatural? Bilingual education I do not agree with the idea that teaching second language to children in early childhood. There are two reasons to say so. Firstly, teaching second language in early age would  (2024)


What arguments do people have against bilingual education? ›

Cultural Unity

Those Against: Believe that bilingualism divides the nation—one language equals one united nation. Those For: Argue that bilingualism is invaluable and the nation gains from the melting pot of languages--our differences unite us.

What is bad about bilingual education? ›

Criticism of bilingual education has grown as parents and numerous objective analyses have shown it was ineffective, kept students too long in Spanish-only classes, and slowed the learning of English and assimilation into American society.

What are educational issues involving bilingual education? ›

These challenges affect both teachers and learners, impacting the effectiveness of bilingual education. Problems encompass cultural insensitivity, lack of authenticity, outdated content, limited language variety, inadequate language exposure, and an imbalance in language proficiency development.

Can learning two languages hurt a child's development? ›

Because there is no evidence for bilingualism having a negative impact on children's intellectual and socio-emotional development, parents can be encouraged to speak their native language at home, and allow their children to learn the majority language in school.

What are the disadvantages of bilingual teaching? ›

Disadvantages of The Bilingual Method

The teacher must be fluent in both the languages in order to make the concepts clear. Students may develop dependency on their mother tongue. Slows down learning process and takes longer time to learn and be proficient in the target language.

What are the positives and negatives of bilingual? ›

It also opens up new cultural and social experiences, and can enhance career opportunities in a globalized world. However, bilingualism can also lead to language confusion, delayed language development, learning difficulties, reduced cognitive development, and social and emotional difficulties.

Do bilingual kids do better in school? ›

Bilingualism can increase math and reading performance.

Several studies have shown a correlation between bilingualism and stronger mathematical abilities in students.

Is it good or bad to be bilingual for a child? ›

Bilingual children appear to have better academic results : Studies show that bilingual children are ahead in standardized reading tests at the end of middle school. They have higher test scores in general and show early understanding of grammar systems and have extended vocabularies.

What is the disadvantage of multilingual education? ›

Some argue that multilingualism can lead to a loss of cultural identity and can result in the hom*ogenization of cultures. The argument is that by speaking multiple languages, individuals may lose touch with their mother tongue and culture, leading to a loss of cultural diversity.

What is the main purpose of bilingual education? ›

The most obvious benefit of bilingual education is proficiency and literacy in two (or more languages). Fluency in multiple languages can lead to increased employment options as well as create more opportunities for intercultural communication.

Can you highlight some issues in bilingual education? ›

Issues in Bilingual Education

Language Dominance: Imbalance in language proficiency can hinder academic progress. Cultural Bias: Curriculum may not reflect diverse cultural perspectives adequately. Parental Support: Inconsistent support at home can impact a student's language development.

What are the effects of bilingual education? ›

Bilingual education helps limited English proficient students develop language skills in their native (non-English) language. Skills in students' native language may facilitate their development of skills in English. Bilingual education supports cultural inclusion and diversity.

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It's common for students to experience frustration as they strive to master the new words, pronunciation, grammar, and syntax associated with a new language. As such, it's not uncommon for them to become discouraged and fear making mistakes or embarrassing themselves in front of their peers.

How does being bilingual affect a child? ›

7 Bilingual children are also able to make new friends and create strong relationships using their second language—an important skill in our increasingly diverse society. Research has found that babies raised in bilingual households show better self-control,8 a key indicator of school success.

How does bilingualism affect the brain? ›

A comparison of brain activity in these bilinguals and monolingual controls revealed that bilinguals exhibit higher activity in five left-hemisphere language-related brain areas (dorsal precentral gyrus, pars triangularis, pars opercularis, superior temporal gyrus and planum temporale).

Why are some people opposed to bilingual education? ›

Some Americans were opposed to bilingual education because they believed that immigrants would draw away employment opportunities and social benefits from native-born Americans. They also felt that by learning English, immigrants would be able to integrate into American society.

What are two of the arguments used by those who are opposed to bilingual education? ›

Opponents argue that the resources used to provide bilingual education could be better spent on other educational programs. They also argue that the cost of bilingual education outweighs its benefits. These are the two main arguments used by those who are opposed to bilingual education.

What argument have critics used to oppose bilingualism in US schools? ›

What argument have critics used to oppose bilingualism in U.S. schools? It undermines social integration.

Why did some groups criticize bilingual education in public schools? ›

SIGNIFICANCE. By the late 1990s, there was increasing evidence that bilingual education was not achieving its objectives of improving the educational and economic performance of non-English-speaking immigrants such as Latinos. Some argued that the programs actually exacerbated the problems of such groups.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.