Feet to Meters Converter (ft to m) (2025)

Convert Meters to Feet (m to ft)▶

Conversion Table

feet to meters
1 ft 0.3048 m
2 ft 0.6096 m
3 ft 0.9144 m
4 ft 1.2192 m
5 ft 1.524 m
6 ft 1.8288 m
7 ft 2.1336 m
8 ft 2.4384 m
9 ft 2.7432 m
10 ft 3.048 m
11 ft 3.3528 m
12 ft 3.6576 m
13 ft 3.9624 m
14 ft 4.2672 m
15 ft 4.572 m
16 ft 4.8768 m
17 ft 5.1816 m
18 ft 5.4864 m
19 ft 5.7912 m
20 ft 6.096 m

How to convert

1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 meter (m). Foot (ft) is a unit of Length used in Standard system. Meter (m) is a unit of Length used in Metric system.

Foot: A Unit of Length

The foot (ft) is a unit of length used in the US customary system, which is one of the systems of measurement used in the United States and some other countries. The foot is equal to 12 inches or 0.3048 meter. The foot is also a derived unit in the imperial system, which is the official system of measurement for the United Kingdom and some other Commonwealth countries. The symbol for foot is ft or ′. The foot is used for measuring short distances and dimensions, such as the height of a person or the width of a door. The foot is named after the human foot, which was used as a standard of measurement in ancient times. In this article, we will explore the definition, history, usage and conversion of the foot as a unit of length.

How to Convert Foot

The US customary system is a system of measurement that uses units such as inch, yard, mile, ounce, pound, gallon, etc. The US customary system is based on the English system of measurement that was used before the adoption of the metric system.

To convert foot to other units of length in the US customary system, we need to know the relationship between foot and other units. Here are some common units and their equivalent values in feet:

  • 1 inch = 1/12 foot
  • 1 yard = 3 feet
  • 1 mile = 5280 feet
  • 1 fathom = 6 feet
  • 1 rod = 16.5 feet
  • To convert foot to any of these units, we need to multiply or divide by the appropriate factor. For example, to convert 10 feet to inches, we need to multiply by 12:

    10 feet x 12 = 120 inches

    To convert 10 feet to miles, we need to divide by 5280:

    10 feet / 5280 = 0.00189 miles

    To convert 10 feet to fathoms, we need to divide by 6:

    10 feet / 6 = 1.667 fathoms

    To convert 10 feet to rods, we need to divide by 16.5:

    10 feet / 16.5 = 0.606 rods

    The SI system (or International System of Units) is a system of measurement that uses units such as meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela, etc. The SI system is based on the metric system that was developed in France in the late 18th century.

    To convert foot to other units of length in the SI system, we need to know the relationship between foot and meter. The meter is the base unit of length in the SI system and it is defined as “the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 seconds.” One foot is equal to 0.3048 meters.

    To convert foot to any other unit of length in the SI system, we need to multiply or divide by the appropriate power of ten and add a prefix. Here are some common units and their equivalent values in meters:

  • 1 kilometer = 1000 meters
  • 1 centimeter = 0.01 meter
  • 1 millimeter = 0.001 meter
  • 1 micrometer = 0.000001 meter
  • 1 nanometer = 0.000000001 meter
  • To convert foot to any of these units, we need to multiply by the appropriate factor and add a prefix.

    Meter - Unit of Distance / Length

    Unit Symbol / Abbreviation: m

    Where the unit used in the World:

    The meter is used as a unit to measure medium distances or lengths.
    It's a standard measure for short distances (up to 1 km long), in real estate and construction, supply materials, vehicle and aircraft dimensions, short geographical distances and directions in most countries excluding the USA where foot and yard are still widely used for this purpose.
    The meter is widely used in most countries and is the official unit for medium lengths and distances (for example, road signs in continental Europe show maximum vehicle hight in meters). Primary exceptions are the United States of America, and some countries where feet and yards are used in limited extent: the United Kingdom and Canada, where the yard remains in limited use as a part of imperial system (for example, yards are used on road signs for shorter distances in the United Kingdom and feet are widely used in construction and real estate in Canada).

    Definition of the Unit:

    The meter (metre in UK spelling) is a unit of length/distance in the metric system (SI Unit system) equivalent to the length of the path travelled by light during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second (in vacuum, defined since 1983).

    1 m is equivalent to 3.28084 ft or 0.000621371 miles.

    Equivalents in other units and scales:

    • 1 m = 1000 millimeters (mm)
    • 1 m = 100 centimeters (cm)
    • 1 m = 10 decimeters (dm)
    • 1 m = 0.001 kilometers (km)
    • 1 m = 3.28084 feet (ft)
    • 1 megameter = 1000000 m
    • 1 gigameter = 1000000000 m
    • Units of length in the metric SI system are based on multiples or fractions of a meter.
    • There are measurements of length/distance in the metric SI system greater than a meter that can be expressed in terms of metres.

    1 m is equivalent to 3.28084 ft or 1.09361 yd.

    The meter is a unit of length in the metric SI system and is equivalent to the length of the path travelled by light during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second (in vacuum, defined since 1983).

    Meters also can be marked as metres (in British English spelling).


    Feet to Meters Converter (ft to m) (2025)
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