KTVU Mornings on 2 : KTVU : June 16, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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transit, the new enforcement program that starts today that will be issuing tickets to people who park illegally in bus lanes. and happy father's day to all the dads out there. we'll give you a rundown of the local events, festivals and special gatherings around the bay area to celebrate father's day from

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ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two and good morning to you. >> welcome to mornings on two. happy father's day i'm claudine wong and happy weekend. >> happy father's day to all the dads out there. let's get you outside and see. we got some good grilling weather for dad today. i think we do, i guess we boy, that's gorgeous behind you. yeah >> happy sunday to you. how about that? mostly sunny skies to start the day. a beautiful view there over san francisco as we look towards the west towards the beaches. just a little bit of patchy fog and you can see it from this vantage point. outside of that, mostly sunny skies in store for today. and again, we are expecting our temperatures to be very seasonal in our winds to be gusty in towards the afternoon. here's a look at storm tracker two and the system to the north of us is again what's helping to provide us with that northwest flow heading into the afternoon. temperatures this morning are within a few degrees of yesterday. another beautiful start with most of us in the 50s, although it's a chillier one out at half moon

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bay, 46 degrees for you there. the inner east bay 65, in brentwood. let's check in on the winds because right now, fairly light and even calm reported in santa rosa, novato, napa fairfield. little bit of an onshore breeze for you, right now at 14mph. as we look into the hills, we've got middle peak in the north bay reporting winds to 25. mount diablo in the east, bay to 29, and again expecting those winds to become stronger as we get into the afternoon with the possibility of some of those gusts reaching 40 to 50mph along the coast and in our hills. a better look at the temperatures and what you can expect for your father's day, as well as the week ahead. coming up. okay. >> thank you. rosemary, happening today in the east bay ac transit is going to start using artificial intelligence to detect parking and other violations. ktvu is alice wirtz joins us from downtown oakland with the changes coming for drivers. alice, good morning to you. >> good morning. yes that's right, san francisco and new

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york, for example, have been using technology for years now. but assembly bill 917, passed last year in california, allows any transit agency to do enforcement with technology that doesn't require human intervention. that is, now ac transit is going to be using artificial intelligence in order to issue tickets or identify, parking violations. this is, so mostly that the transit can stay on track with the schedules. passengers get delayed from getting where they're going. this animation and video shows what the technology looks like in action. the company that makes the technology says the cameras don't have facial recognition nor biometric technology. the goal is to cut down on delays for transit. those red zones are especially important on places like international boulevard, where if a car is blocking the red zone, the busses are definitely

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delayed in getting passengers to their destination. for now, most bus zones are marked, but this technology will make enforcement easier for drivers. before now, it used to take a driver to actually manually push a button to get the camera to take a picture of the violation. now that's all going to be automated . and, for the most bus zones that are marked, people do know to stay out of the red zone. however, this 60 day pilot program that ac transit is going to be using will give drivers a chance to understand that enforcement is coming. we're here in downtown oakland. this is a transit hub for the uptown area, and now, the program starts today. they're going to be installing these on the tempo busses to start ac transit. doesn't say when they're going to roll this out on all of their busses, but you can bet it's coming soon. we're live here in downtown oakland. back to you in

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the studio. >> yeah, certainly will come as a surprise to some people, i think. but i know they've been testing this out for a while. all right. thank you. alice well, also happening today. changes are coming to bart's early bird express weekday bus services starting today, bart is going to reduce the alternative bus services. bart says that's due to low ridership, limited funding and increasing demand for bus drivers from partner agencies. more changes are expected to take place on august 12th. >> time now is 704, with enrollment on decline, the san francisco school district will need to make a decision regarding 121 public schools, the school board said over the weekend that it will consider whether to close, merge or co-locate the schools in question during a meeting on june the 25th. the district says its enrollment has decreased by more than 4000 students since the 20 1718 school year and expects to lose another 4600 students by the year 2032. >> antioch police are warning

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residents about a rash of robberies connected to bank visits. police say in the last three months, they've received reports of almost a dozen robberies of people leaving local banks. in some cases, the thieves follow the victims to another location. in other cases, the robberies happen right there in the bank parking lot. police are urging people to avoid carrying large amounts of money, walk in well-lit areas and call in any suspicious behavior to police. >> we're learning more about the results of a recent joint law enforcement operation in san francisco's tenderloin district. the program started last november with the help of the dea and the fbi. its aim was to crack down on nighttime fentanyl trafficking. since it began the operation has resulted in the alleged seizure of more than 11 pounds of fentanyl, 5 pounds of methamphetamine, and $20,000 in cash. more than 70 people linked to the operation have been convicted, and the first

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presidential debate between president biden and former president trump is a little more than two weeks away, and ahead of that debate, trump is criticizing the president, questioning his mental fitness. >> last night, during a fundraiser, the former president suggested that president biden should take a cognitive test as he did in 2018. trump's critics point out that moments later, trump made his own gaffe, confusing the name of the person who administered the test to him back then and the two candidates will go at each other face to face. on june 27th, during the presidential debate, independent candidate robert kennedy jr has a path to join the pair on stage, but as of now, he does not meet the requirements. yesterday, cnn announced the two leading candidates, both agreed to the rules of the 90 minute debate. the network says the candidates podiums and positions will be determined by a coin flip. their microphones will be muted when they are not speaking. they will only be allowed a pen, a notepad and a bottle of water. no props or

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prepared notes will be allowed, and for the first time in a long time, the debate will not have a studio audience. time now 707 and happening today. stanford university graduates are entering a new chapter of their lives. this morning. the university is holding its main commencement ceremony for the class of 2024. that event kicks off at 930 this morning at stanford stadium. philanthropist melinda french gates will deliver today's commencement address. >> and around the bay area, there are plenty of events for dad to enjoy over the father's day weekend at martinez. dads are invited to get their grill on at 16th annual king of the county barbecue competition. today is day number two of the competition and even if you're not firing up the grill, you can still come on down. enjoy the food and a little music and much more. thrive city in the city is calling all bay area dads and golfers to enjoy a unique golfing experience with a mobile golf simulator unit there, there will be nine putting greens to

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put on at bucket golf. attendees can also catch the final round of the us open tournament on a plaza board big screen. that event begins at noon time, and in danville, a dazzling car show alongside those classic cars that will be live music in a variety of family friendly activities. all ages. event begins at 9:00 this morning in blackhawk. so happy father's day to all the dads. >> we'll keep fire safety top of mind in solano county today. right now there is a red flag warning in effect and it's going to last through monday morning. the weather service says high winds, low humidity and warm temperatures are contributing to an increased risk of fire danger. so keep an eye on those barbecues. no coal barbecues today and keep in mind that embers and sparks can blow into dry vegetation and quickly spread. meanwhile, in san jose, where a vegetation fire broke out saturday morning near a residential area near san felipe and las animas roads, the felipe fire burned about 19 acres of a hillside. about 80 firefighters

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were there fighting that fire from the ground and from the air. at last check, that fire was about 80% contained. that cause is still under investigation. >> time now. 709 cal fire in the state office of emergency services, they have launched a new pilot program to retrofit homes and make them more fire resistant. last week, the state fire marshal unveiled the first retrofitted home up in lake county. and as ktvu jana katsuyama reports, it's the first in the nation. >> cheryl crockett's home retrofit came after years of heartbreak. >> it's just been fire after fire and the tubbs fire and the morgan valley and was at the lower lake fire repeated wildfire evacuations and close calls threatened her. >> kelseyville home in lake county, like many other residents. but she couldn't afford wildfire protections until now. crockett is the very first homeowner in california to get a retrofit through a new pilot program, the first in the nation to use state and federal fema hazard mitigation funding

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for low income property owners. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. >> the state fire marshal says. the program provides up to $40,000 based on income for hardening or wildfire retrofits for low income homeowners in high risk areas. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. >> a lot of our focus is on ember intrusion, so as embers pile up, it creates a higher btu and it can catch a home on fire almost from within or underneath . >> deanna fernway worked on crockett's home. she says one big retrofit is sealing gaps around the garage door and replacing siding with metal or noncombustible composite siding. >> if an ember hits, it just dies out instead of catching that siding on fire. >> they also replaced the deck with noncombustible material and shields along the side. >> one of the most dangerous ember fires is embers that blow underneath decks, and it catches homes on fire from underneath

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and inside. >> another important retrofit metal fencing and replacing the vents and outdated one quarter inch mesh covers. now we're finding those bigger holes allow embers to intrude in the attics underneath the home, and they all have a mesh size of one eighth inch or smaller. the pilot program identified six communities in lake shasta, siskiyou, el dorado, tuolumne, san diego counties. the goal is to retrofit 2500 homes and create a template for other communities. >> we've developed a framework so that other communities can take those best practices. >> cal fire and cal oes say they are preparing a report to present to the state legislature next month, and they also say there is a bill under consideration to extend this pilot program. reporting from kelseyville in lake county. jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> caught on camera a couple rescued by a helicopter after running out of water hiking near joshua tree. the efforts to save a dehydrated hiker also ahead,

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thousands of foodless employees in california are ready to go on strike over alleged labor violations. >> details on the accusations of what union members are demanding . >> and a sunny, dry, breezy day in store for all of you celebrating father's today, i'll have a look at the cu en norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit xfinitymobile.com to learn more. doc?

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[ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪

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♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. food for less grocery store chains all across california voted overwhelmingly to authorize a potential strike over alleged unfair labor practices. the accusations against the company that's owned by kroger include discrimination, illegal surveillance and hindering union activity. union is demanding fair wages more guaranteed hours

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and protection from vendors doing their work. they want their benefits to be comparable with those at other kroger owned stores in san francisco. >> the dispute over the bike lane has been ongoing in the mission since valencia street was redesigned ten months ago, as ktvu is, christian captain reports. the city is now planning to remove it and come up with a better idea. >> san francisco's municipal transportation agency started a year long pilot program in august of last year to see how center running bike lanes would improve safety and allow businesses to keep their parklets along valencia street. now, with two months to go, the sfmta says it's pulling the plug on this experiment and preparing to push those bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local merchants in their parklets, now that we have heard from them, we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design.

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>> it's hard to find anyone who liked the center run lanes. businesses say the sfmta took away parking spaces, making it harder for customers to visit. the owner of yasmeen restaurant went on a month long hunger strike to protest the bike lanes. he says his business has been so slow, he's behind on his electricity bill and had his lights cut off and he says he's not alone. >> we're working every day for free now. for the past years, 30 businesses went out. some people went homeless. >> drivers say they don't like the center run bike lanes either because they can't make left turns. even cyclists say they don't like those center lanes. >> i'm not crazy about the configuration. i think it's confusing to make to make turns and that kind of thing. >> the sfmta says its goal is to create a safe path for cyclists and benefit a thriving business community. so the agency says it will work with businesses. some of them will keep their parklets by the curb. others will move their parklets out by a few feet to accommodate that curbside bike lane. all of the 100

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businesses have had an offer or 100 plus businesses have had an opportunity to influence the design, and what we're doing is reflecting that back through this conceptual design. as for a timeline for when the sfmta will start moving those bike lanes, the agency is looking for board approval next week. the next step will be to work out a timeline that works for businesses. restaurants say they don't want any major construction during the warmer months, when people dine al fresco and the businesses say they don't want to have a major construction project impact their holiday shopping season in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> 717 here's a question do you consider your parents, your friends, your best friends? a new survey suggests that many people are building stronger friendships with their parents as they get older. the survey, by talker researcher a talker research rather asked 2000 people, 14 up about their experiences with their parents in their golden years. 58% of respondents said they feel closer to their parents now than

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they did as children. 88% of respondents say doing shared activities has improved their relations. and all that brings us to our question of the day on this father's day, when do parents become friends? after we are officially adults? how about when we get our jobs and pay our own bills? or, you know, i don't actually consider my parents friends what is going on with our viewers out there? well, okay, so here's here's my deal. rosemary and frank, i feel like a parent relationship is special. i don't know if it needs to be categorized in my mind as a friendship because it's a parent. it's like special all on its own without having that extra designation. >> but don't you think you relate to your parents a little bit better as you get older and go, you know, you guys were right. no totally. >> totally. i love my parents are amazing. growing up, my dad didn't know what to do with us kids, but when we could enjoy a

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beverage and be an adult with him, he'd be like, it was great, but it takes a while. >> do you remember when they cosigned for you to, like, get your first car or maybe your first rental? yeah i say they're your friend, right? >> well, that's my that's my point. like, would a friend do that for you or your parent would do that for you? like, it implies that the designation as friend is better than a designation as parent. >> as a parent, i would be my feelings would be hurt if my kids said that i am not a friend to them. oh yeah, i agree. >> i don't want my. you don't want your to be a dependent, but a parent and a child. i don't know, i don't know. >> we need a therapist. it's getting better. it's getting better. there we go. for this one. good morning to all of you a happy sunday, happy father's day. hopefully you are going to get out and enjoy the day. we do have sunny skies. temperatures are going to be absolutely fabulous. the wind going to be a little pesky once again giving you a view here over san francisco. in fact, do expect the winds to be even a little bit stronger and if you're

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thinking about heading to the water, maybe doing some sailing for father's day, i am sure that you have already checked the conditions, but there is a small craft advisory for the bay today giving you a look here at all that clear sky and pulling back. we do have the system that remains just kind of right over the pacific northwest that is helping to create that pressure gradient that is kicking up our wind, drying out our conditions, and bringing up our fire danger. no advisory for us. there is one in the sacramento valley area, as claudine mentioned earlier, but still something to consider, right? here's a look at the wind and in the forecast notice. by noontime, we're seeing it increase s over areas, especially along the coastline where again, we have advisories on the water for us. most of us it will just be a little bit of a breezy day. but by the afternoon now we're seeing reds and purples and oranges along the coastline, over our hills, through our passes, those windier, prone areas are likely to see an increase in the wind for today. and then by a sunset,

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it is dying down some temperatures wise already in the 50s 53 in san francisco, 54 in napa, mid 50s livermore and 66 in brentwood. very similar to where we were yesterday morning into the afternoon for the north bay. going to be gorgeous, going to be warm. we're talking about 80 degrees for your lunch hour, mid 80s for the second part of the day. and here's a better look at the overall view of the bay area, where we will have mid 70s and san mateo for today. if you take a dad to see the giants play, we've got 69 in the city of san francisco, 82 in livermore, into our south bay, 83 for morgan hill. your extended forecast temperatures will be pretty much status quo as we get into the days ahead. very little change. back to you. >> thank you. rosemary up next, a massive wildfire. it's near highway five in southern california and it explodes to over 10,000 acres overnight. the evacuations in place, updates on the road conditions and much more. when we come back

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acres overnight. the post fire is burning along highway 570 miles north of los angeles. so if you are planning on driving down to southern california today or tomorrow, you will want to check road conditions. because the freeway was shut down yesterday, it has since reopened. evacuation orders are in place for the community of gorman. there is 0% containment at this time. the cause of that fire is still under investigation. governor gavin newsom honoring an l.a. county firefighter who lost his life in an explosion. >> he died on friday at a quarry in palmdale, just outside of los angeles. right now, the fire that killed andrew pontius is under investigation. governor releasing a statement saying california office offers our sincerest condolences to the family and friends and the entire loss angeles county fire

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department for the loss. his service protecting los angeles community will never be forgotten. >> dramatic video capturing the helicopter rescue of a hiking couple that ran out of water in california. all right, check this out. this is happening in joshua tree national park. the riverside county sheriff's office says a man called 911 and said that he and his girlfriend were his girlfriend was actually weakened, dehydrated. so the department set a helicopter to that hikers location. and the rescuers did spot that couple huddled in a dry creek bed. rescuers removed those hikers one by one from the scene, and then officials did have to rush that woman to the hospital because of her severe condition at the time. >> an art exhibit celebrating california's chicano movement is now on display in the east bay. the oakland museum of california opened an exhibit called cali the art of chicano x people. chicano x is a gender neutral term referring to people of mexican descent here in the united states at museum says the

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exhibit features works of intergenerational, feminist and queer artists. tickets are available on the museum's website through the end of august. up next, accessory dwelling units, also known as adus, recently became a lot more valuable details of the new ordinance that would allow homeowners to sell those units as separate properties. >> and president biden goes to hollywood. the celebrities supporting the president and the millions raised at an event in l.a.

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huzzah! a toast to breakfast.

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down on traffic violators. the effort to catch people who park illegally, blocking busses and enrollment dropping, forcing san francisco schools to decide the fate of 121 of their public schools. details coming up from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> happy weekend. bay area. beautiful shot. a song remains the same. you could see the golden gate in all its glory yesterday. today a carbon copy day. just in time for dear old dad. welcome back to mornings on two. happy father's day to all

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the dads out there. i'm frank mallicoat, and i'm claudine wong. >> let's talk about the weather. if you've got big plans today, there's lots of activities in and around the bay area. meteorologist rosemary oroczo are watching it. we've got car shows. we've got festivals, we've got kayaking. there's just a bevy of things people have planned. >> yes, and we have wind. so if you're going to be out and about kayaking out giants game on the sailboat. yes the giants we have i think a couple of fairs going on too right. alameda county fair if you do have little ones, you might be taking them to the fair instead of them taking you somewhere, giving you a live look here, out to the golden gate bridge and the dry hills behind it, giving us again a reminder that that wind also brings with it an increase in fire danger. so something to be aware of. be careful out there today, giving you a view here of the system that continues to bring us that northwesterly flow . and the winds are expected to ramp up into the afternoon, right now, temperatures are within a few degrees of where we started yesterday. it's beautiful out there with plenty of blue sky and 53 degrees right

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now in san francisco amid 50s in livermore and 66 in brentwood. the winds are generally light in most areas right now, even calm. santa rosa, novato, fairfield a little bit of an onshore breeze for you at the moment as we shift over towards the peninsula. sfo reporting nine miles per hour. but again, getting into the afternoon, especially along the coastline, are hills along those passes. those winds are expected to gust to 40 45mph or so. a better look at the day for you here, as well as what we can expect in the extended forecast coming up. >> sounds good. we'll see you in a bit. thank you rosemary. happening today in the east bay ac transit is cracking down on parking and other violations with the help of ai ktvu. alice wertz joins us in downtown oakland with some of the changes coming for drivers that might park where they're not supposed to. good morning. >> good morning, frank, and happy father's day to you. we're here in downtown oakland along

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the tempo bus line. this is where the first line in ac transit's fleet is going to be. piloting these ai dash mounted cameras. it the couple of cities that have used these previously. these types of systems have been new york and san francisco. they have reported san francisco's reported it's helped to increase transit for 20% or more. just by keeping the traffic lanes cleared for the bus lanes. now, an illustration of what this kind of will look like is these, artificial intelligence will actually be taking the pictures. the manufacturer of the camera says there are no biometric or, facial identification technology in this. they're trying to speed up transit times, keeping those budget busses on schedule. the upside of it is that there will be a 60 day trial period. so folks won't be getting tickets

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for 60 days. however it will be a fat ticket if you do end up blocking the red zone where the busses are, traveling through. first rolled out in downtown oakland along the tempo line that runs from downtown san leandro to downtown oakland, it will be rolled out later among all bus lines. and this is all because of a california assembly bill, 219 that was passed last year, used to be just a couple of municipalities could use this technology for issuing tickets or citing, drivers for violations such as parking in the bus zone. but now every transit agency in the state is allowed to do this. now we'll see how this turns out. muni reports in san francisco that they're going to, continue their program as it's been proven to be helpful in getting cars out of the bus zones. i'm alice keju was out in the field in oakland.

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back to you in the studio. all right. >> alice? yeah. big brother is watching. so, got to follow the law, that's for sure. okay, alice, thanks for that. with enrollment on the decline, san francisco school district will need to make a big decision regarding 121 of its public schools. a school board said over the weekend that it will consider whether to close or merge or co-locate the schools in question during a meeting on june the 25th. the district says its enrollment has decreased by more than 4000 students since the 20 1718 school year, and it expects to lose another 4600 students by the year 2032. >> well, a big win for ucsf after a state appeals court rules it can move forward with plans to expand its parnassus heights campus, the chronicle reporting that the neighborhood groups were fighting to block that project because it would violate city height and zoning restrictions. on thursday, the first district court of appeals ruled that ucsf is exempt

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because that expansion is considered government activity. the hospital is slated to be 15 stories, will span 900,000ft!s, and contain more than 300 beds. parnassus heights is expected to open in 2030. well president biden raised more than $28 million at a star studded fundraiser in los angeles. the evening's guest list included former president barack obama, talk show host jimmy kimmel, actress julia roberts, and many more. the $28 million raised made this the largest democratic fundraiser in history. biden says that money will go to growing his campaign's grassroots operations and ads. meanwhile, former president trump has seen his own fundraising grow in the weeks following his conviction in his new york hush money trial. now, ahead of the president's fundraisers, hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters descended on downtown los angeles. they attempted to block the entrances to the president's big ticket event. for the most part, attendees were able to get

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in unimpeded, although some guests were redirected to different entrances. >> meanwhile, former president trump took his presidential campaign to michigan, addressing black voters and a conservative group that has been accused of attracting white supremacists. cause there ain't no doubt i love this land. mr. trump is trying to win the support of a coalition of conflicting interests in the all important battleground state. the former president hosted an afternoon roundtable at the african american church in detroit. he later appeared at the people's convention of turning point action, a group the anti-defamation league claims has been linked to extremists during the appearance, donald trump criticized joe biden's handling of immigration. >> they're putting these illegal aliens into luxury hotels as our great warriors lie on the streets. >> voters in michigan are

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expected to play a pivotal role in the presidential election. president biden carried the state by less than three percentage points four years ago. >> happening today stanford university graduates are entering a new chapter of their lives. this morning, the university is holding its main commencement ceremony for the class of 2024. that event kicks off at 930 this morning. it will be at stanford stadium and philanthropy melinda french gates will deliver today's commencement address and thousands of people packing in at santa clara university stephens stadium on saturday for the commencement of the class of 2024. >> the school presented diplomas to more than 1100 undergrads dressed in colorful sashes, leis and caps and gowns. university president julie sullivan was there, honoring the grads for their hard work. for some of these students, it was the first time crossing a stage in a cap and gown since many of them had their high school ceremonies canceled because of the pandemic. the san francisco

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recreation and park department wants to help residents celebrate father's day. community organizations loves dolores is hosting a father's day celebration at helen diller playground at dolores park today. the event kicks off at 2:00. staff will have a father's day card station and a tote bag decoration area to make fun, personalized gifts for dad and a windfall for some san jose homeowners who have added backyard housing to their properties. a new ordinance would allow owners to sell their adus as they were condos. ktvu and ruben has more on what this could mean for homeowners and for the city. >> in a groundbreaking move, the city of san jose will now allow accessory dwelling units, or adus, to be sold as separate property. >> they can now actually condo size them and sell them so they become an asset for folks. >> a state law passed last year

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allowed for the change. san jose is just the first city to embrace it, calling it an exciting opportunity for residents to expand home ownership opportunities an additional source of income for folks who have excess space. >> i think there's a there's a lot of options here, and we need them because we face a serious housing crisis. >> the city had already made building backyard cottages much easier as a result. last year, adus accounted for nearly one third of all new housing, about 400 units at a door. homes. they're thrilled. >> business has been great and people really need housing. it's a real need in this state and especially in the bay area. i think this is just going to be, adding more and more demand housing advocates say this can bring lots of much needed inventory into the market at price points that don't exist at lower cost than we can otherwise do in the market right now and in parts of the city that are otherwise totally inaccessible. >> and real estate brokers say

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this will benefit the sellers as well. >> i know that there's many of my clients that will look at this as an opportunity to basically partition off some properties, take some money out of some properties and maybe go out and develop some more. >> kelly snyder built an adu two years ago, and while she still has a few questions about how this will work in terms of utilities and costs, she says she'd love to sell hers as a condo. >> it's more than streamlining and it's more than infill, and it's more than density. it's pairing that with the financial mechanisms to actually make it possible for normal homeowners, really normal ones. >> san jose voted on the measure this week. it will get a second reading next week, and should take effect by the end of july in santa clara county and ruben ktvu, fox two news well, ice cube's big three basketball league tipped off its seventh season right here in oakland at oracle arena. >> hundreds of fans came out on saturday to watch 12 teams, took the floor treating fans to six

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games. several former nba players competed, coached by a couple of naismith basketball hall of famers and along with opening night, the league also celebrated the birthdays ceo and founder ice cube, who turned 55. >> i've been a big three fan since it came out. ice cube's got a great franchise going on right here. >> no matter how athletic you are, if you pass the ball well, you can't keep up with the flight of the ball. >> the enemies and the triplets kicked off the season. former warrior nick young, better known as swaggy p, is the enemy's head coach. he led his squad to its first win of the season. young says spending time in oakland took him back to those championship years with the dubs . >> all i remember is the parade. you know, that parade was, was, was like one of the best moments i felt in my career. you know, after winning the championship and this the love of oakland, you know, show was was amazing. >> well, taking the field at a

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historic park, the giants are traveling to alabama. they'll be taking on the saint louis cardinals. hear from the man who led that effort to bring the mlb to where the great willie mays got his start at birmingham's rickwood field, and an invasive insect that could threaten california's wine industry. >> the first warning signs they spotted spotted rather, a lanternfly may be here in the golden state. what growers want to look out for to protect the vineyards coming up. >> hello sunshine. giving you a beautiful view there over golden gate park and towards ocean beach, where we have blue skies across the bay area this morning. have ook at at

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all states for overall well-being. the annie e casey foundation released its findings this week from its 35th edition of the kids count data book. researchers looked at declines in student math and reading proficiency, brought on by covid 19. the foundation ranked california 35th overall in child well-being, citing more than half of the state's three and four year olds are actually not in school, and less than one fourth of its eighth graders are proficient in math. new hampshire received the top ranking on that list. >> police at brentwood are asking for the public's help finding a missing teenager. police say 16 year-old mckenna riley ran away from her home out of brentwood on wednesday. she's five foot tall, weighs about 118 pounds. brown hair, hazel eyes. police say she's at risk due to her age. anyone that might have information is urged to give brentwood police a call. >> an invasive and destructive insect is triggering a lot of concern in the wine industry.

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the california association of wine grape growers revealed that the masses of the spotted lanternfly eggs were intercepted at the state's border earlier this year. >> now, the flies themselves have not been found in california, but experts warn it's likely just a matter of time. reporter leanne denner talked with one grower in san joaquin county, who is urging people to stay vigilant to help keep our vineyards safe. >> reporter aaron lang's family began farming in what's now san joaquin county back in the late 1880s. >> what we're looking at here is zinfandel. >> these grapes will become wine for lange twins winery and vineyards in acampo. lange believes california's vineyards are a part of the state's character and must be kept safe. >> i'm looking for speckled light into the canopy so i can see light through there. that allows the sunlight to get on each one of those clusters during the day. >> he worries, though, in the months and years to come, a pest only known so far to be on the

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east coast could infiltrate california vineyards like his. if the public and ag community are not careful. >> if i was looking for a lanternfly, i would certainly be looking inside my canopy here and looking for one of these life stages. >> the troublesome spotted lantern fly has been identified in northeastern states, according to the state's department of food and agriculture. live spotted lanternflies have not been found in california to date. the lanternfly feeds on trees and is known to love grapes. they can cause considerable damage to vineyards. concern about the pests has grown since officials found egg masses at an agricultural inspection station in truckee in march. a department spokesperson confirmed the finding and went on to say cdfa performs a statewide survey for the insects in late summer or early fall that coincides with peak activity. this survey has been conducted annually for the past several years, again without detections. >> we're completely dependent on

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visual inspection. >> lang, as well as members of the california association of wine grape growers, want to make sure people know what the pests look like, the problems they could cause, and what to do if you think you've spotted one, its egg masses can look just like a smudge of mud on the side of a smooth surface. and while live lanternflies have yet to be spotted in the state, lang believes everyone must be proactive to keep them from coming. >> we need to be very, very aware of it. this is part of a california's identity as the wine culture, and we need to do everything we can to try to protect that. >> in acampo, leanne denyer, how many times do you go through that bug station, you know, on highway 80 when you're coming from reno and you kind of go, what's the big deal? >> they always just pass you on, but there you go. they found those lanternflies and they are not good. yep. >> and it is important to just kind of keep ecosystems as they are also so important. good weather and father's day. yeah, they're working on that for us. >> yes. and you know i mean we're right in the middle of the

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june gloom here. we would expect to wake up with the morning clouds, not the case. we have a beautiful start to the day. here's a nice view at the golden gate bridge. now eventually, it may not feel so nice. especially closer to the coast, where the winds will be kicking up for the afternoon today. something to be aware of as you are again. closer to the coast. our hills through our passes, as you may experience those breezy conditions, but we've got clear sky to enjoy. we've got sunshine for today. temperatures are going to be from 60s at the coast to upper 80s inland. a lot like yesterday. when it comes to the temperatures, this trough like pattern and is what has helped develop that northwest flow. and we've been talking about it a little bit heightened fire danger with this type of pattern as well. very breezy conditions, windy conditions and those winds coming in from the north. little drier obviously than what we experienced coming in from the southwest. the pacific into tuesday afternoon. do you notice that trough just kind of hangs right over us? and

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that means very little change coming our way when it comes to do with the temperatures over the next few days into the afternoons. right now we have 53 to start your day in san francisco. so 54 in napa, upper 50s in walnut creek, upper 60s in brentwood. if you're thinking about getting out for breakfast or brunch, it's a good one out there to get started. we do have your forecast for you here for the afternoon. take a look at lunchtime upper 50s at the coastline to mid 70s for our inland communities, and then warming into the mid to upper 70s for our bayside communities, mid to upper 80s for our warmer spots inland. going to be a beautiful one with the sun shining and the wind joining us. if you're looking for a dog to walk, how about debo available at the san francisco sba. he's adorable. a two year old bulldog. afternoon highs for today on the peninsula 77 redwood city. our warmer spots will be upper 80s near antioch in the north bay, 84 degrees. maybe dad likes wine and you're going to do some wine tasting.

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we've got some gorgeous weather there. also, the livermore valley low 80s for you into the afternoon. or maybe you're going to the alameda county fair. going to be nice. here's a look at the extended forecast. temperatures come up slightly tomorrow. back down a little bit on tuesday. a little bit more on wednesday. up slightly for the first day of summer guys on thursday day. back to you. >> bring it on okay rosemary. thanks it's also the final day of san francisco's north beach 70th festival. the festival has more than 200 vendors stretching 11 blocks of the north beach neighborhood. they're selling arts, crafts, jewelry, clothing, home decoration, and lots of good food. the festival is also known for its local gourmet food, beer gardens, wine tasting, all kinds of good stuff. entertainment includes club fugazi, acrobats at 11:00 this morning, poetry readings at 1:00 at radio station kcsf is broadcast live. much of the festivities will be centered between columbus and green streets. we'll get ready to

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journey into the mind again. pixar's new animated movie, inside out to officially hit the theaters over the weekend. how the film touches on mental health issues coming your way. >> and don't forget to cast your vote. in our question of the day, it's interesting when do parents become our friends after we are officially adults? when we get jobs, pay our own bills? or do you just not consider your parents friends? here are the results. it looks like it's about split well after we're adults seems to be the winner right now, but we'd love to hear you weigh in

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i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? teams are going to play at the historic rickwood field in a game honoring the leagues and the deep tradition of the ballpark, ktvu greg lee spoke to the man who's led the effort to

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bring the mlb to birmingham. >> when the giants and saint louis cardinals meet at historic rickwood field in birmingham, alabama, it will be a day gerald watkins never even dreamed of. >> here we are, on the cusp of probably the biggest day in our history, except for opening day in 1910. >> watkins is the chairman and executive director of the friends of rickwood, a nonprofit that, since the 90s has been charged with preserving the oldest professional ballpark in the u.s. there was, talk about the wrecking ball and a group of concerned citizens, mostly, gentlemen, that have been here as children with their fathers or grandfathers said, hey, we can't lose this building. >> we can't lose this facility. >> there's a rich history at rickwood that dates back to its opening day in 1910. from 1924 to 1960, it was the home of the birmingham black barons of the leagues, and where giants hall of famer willie mays started his professional career. it's that history the mlb will honor with this game the hall of famers that have come through here, 182 of them. >> quite a few of them are

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leaguers that never made it to the big leagues. but they all had a time and place in history, and they had a time here. and we want to celebrate that with everyone for watkins, a retired banker, rickwood is rooted deep in his childhood memories as a ten year old kid coming here with friends to see baseball. i remember coming here and seeing reggie jackson. it always seemed like this was the biggest place in the world. >> when the mlb held its field of dreams game in iowa in 2021, watkins began lobbying the league to bring a game to rickwood. >> we have a baseball park where it's a real field of dreams because imagine willie mays, 17 years old, standing in our outfield, looking around and dreaming. maybe one day i can be in the big leagues. >> after years of talks and more than $5 million from the city of birmingham for renovations to bring the field up to mlb standards, rickwood and the magic city are ready to shine. >> 8100 is going to be our capacity that day, but judging by the phone calls and the emails and the text, we could

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have done, we could have sold 50,000 tickets. >> watkins hopes visitors to rickwood feel the gravity of the game and understand the ballpark's special place in baseball and u.s. history. >> you can look out there and see willie mays in your dreams. you can look out there and see satchel paige on the mound, or babe ruth or lou gehrig. all those greats came here, and it's just a place where memories can come alive. and yet we're tying the future in. >> greg lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> it's going to be a great game. greg lee, by the way, will bring us live coverage. he is flying to alabama this week. he'll be traveling there on wednesday and you'll be able to catch the game between the giants and the cards on thursday afternoon. it all kicks off at 4:00 4:00 right here on ktvu. and let's hope the giants have a little mojo going into that game. for the second straight day, the g-men came up short against the lowly angels despite a big game from elliott ramos. again, he continues to mash away, this time right out of the

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gate. bottom one he unloads on patrick sandoval. two run bomb his eighth of the year. giants up two to nothing. three one giants in the sixth logan opie well long ball and two. this is a two run shot that tied it up. but the angels go on to win it 4 to 3. giants will try to prevent the sweep this afternoon. >> the pixar and walt disney animated movie inside out two was released on friday, and the director says this film touches on several important themes, such as growing up and dealing with mental health issues. the main character is named riley. she's about to go to high school and dealing with a range of emotions, from fear to joy and sense of self. comedian amy poehler is the voice of the emotion, joy and suddenly you care about what people think and you want to fit in. >> it's dark drop. make space and room for joy in ways that you can. but what i think what's so beautiful about this film is that pixar is not telling you that. don't worry. be happy. exactly. they're saying that it's a complicated life. we live

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. sarcasm. >> the film crew credits emeryville's pixar studios for agreeing to the storyline. stay with us. mornings on two. we'll be r ahh taking the time to savor thomas' crunchy yet soft bagels. thanks, tom. it's a thom, actually. right, thom. thom. thhhom. are you doing that on purpose? tam.

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tam. how've we got to tam? huzzah! a toast to breakfast. on ac transit, the new

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enforcement program that starts today and will be issuing tickets to people who park illegally in bus lanes, and happy father's day to all the dads out there. we're going to give you a rundown of the local festivals, events and special gatherings around the bay area to celebrate dads today. from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> and good morning to you. let's take you outside for a live look at this gorgeous sunday morning. keep in mind we've got a red flag warning in parts of our area, so it may be windy and breezy out there, but it is shaping up to be a gorgeous, gorgeous father's day. welcome to mornings on two i'm claudine wong. >> hi everyone! happy father's day. let's get you outside and talk a little weather with rosemary wendy in the valley, i guess, right? >> yes. and we try not to be alarmist. right. but that fire burning in southern california, 10,000 acres. good reminder that it happens quickly. it happens quickly. the wind can really push that fire way beyond what,

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you know, expectations. giving you a look here over san francisco. winds are generally light right now, but they will pick up into the afternoon blue skies, sunshine, temperatures quite nice. but again, a little bit of wind to come along with it. there's a look at storm tracker two where that system you can see over the pacific northwest, washington and oregon is what is providing us with that northwest flow. and that northern wind is a dryer wind 56 degrees right now in san francisco. so low 60s in concord, san jose, low 60s for folks that are thinking about getting out for breakfast or brunch. it's a beautiful start to the day. calm conditions in mountain view sfo reporting just a light breeze as well as over a half moon bay in the hills. a little breezier at this time. you see middle peak in the north bay reporting 23mph or so. a little tough for me to see the monitors to small, but into the afternoon we expect those wind gusts to pick up and we will see especially breezy and windy along our coastline. inside the

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bay and over our hills. a better look at what we can expect for today and the days ahead. coming up. >> okay. thank you. rosemary well, happening today in the east bay ac transit is cracking down on parking and other violations with the help of artificial intelligence. let's go to ktvu. alice wirtz, who's joining us from downtown oakland. with the changes coming for drivers in alice, this is certainly a program where you might not see the camera, but the camera is watching you. >> you bet. that's right. the good morning and happy father's day to frank. yeah, we're here in downtown oakland. and this is where the first route of ac transit bus line, the tempo line, which goes from san leandro to downtown oakland, is going to be test driving, piloting these ai cameras that the transit agency says there's no biometric, there's no facial recognition. what they're trying to do is speed up their transit

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times and not hold up passengers from getting to their destination. it's california assembly bill that 9.17. it went into went into action last year, and it allows for technology that doesn't need a human operator to identify violations by vehicles. they say it happens that when it happens, it slows down transit. when folks are in the red zones and busses ultimately end up delaying their passengers from getting where they're going. this is what the technology looks like in action. the company that makes it says this is going to be a pilot program for 60 days in partnership with ac transit that will allow for folks to get a warning rather than a ticket right off the bat. but if you've ever been in san francisco or new york city, you know that those red bus zones are a no no, and you will get a ticket if you're parked in them. now ac transit says eventually they plan on rolling out this technology to all of their fleet of busses. but for now, they're

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going to try it. it used to be that a driver would have to manually press a button to start a camera rolling, and then they would have to make out a report to send a police for the issuing of the ticket. that's all gone. i will allow for them to. the camera will take the ticket, take a picture, automatically file a report immediately, and the driver will end up getting cited. this is new technology. we're seeing more in transit and other municipalities, but they say the whole goal is to get people where they're going on time, especially when they're using transit. we're here in downtown oakland. i'm alice wertz live back to you in the studio. >> okay, alice, thanks so much. we'll also happening today. changes are coming to bart's early bird express weekday bus service. starting today, bart will reduce the alternative bus service. bart says it's due to low ridership, limited funding, and increasing demand for bus drivers from partner agencies. more changes are expected to take place on august 12th. >> time now is 806, with

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enrollment now on the decline, the san francisco school district will need to make a big decision regarding 121 of its public schools. the school board said over the weekend that it will consider whether to close, merge or co-locate the schools in question during a meeting on june the 25th. the district says its enrollment has actually decreased by more than 4000 students since 2017 2018 school year, and they do expect to lose another 4600 students by the year 2032. >> antioch police are warning residents about a rash of robberies that are connected to bank visits. police say in the last three months, they've received reports of almost a dozen robberies of people who are leaving local banks. now, in some cases, thieves are following the victims to another location. but in other cases, those robberies are happening right in the bank's parking lot. police are urging people to avoid carrying large amounts of money, walk in well-lit areas

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and call in any suspicious behavior to police. >> as we're learning about the result of a recent joint law enforcement operation in san francisco's tenderloin district, the program started last november with the help of the dea and the fbi. its aim was to crack down on nighttime fentanyl trafficking. since it began the operation has resulted in the alleged seizure of more than 11 pounds of fentanyl. that's 5 pounds of methamphetamine and some $20,000 in cash. more than 70 people linked to the operation have already been convicted. >> the first presidential debate between president biden and former president trump is a little more than two weeks away, and ahead of the debate, trump is criticizing the president and questioning his mental fitness. last night, during a fundraiser, the former president suggested that president biden should take a cognitive test, as he did in 2018. but trump's critics point out that moments later, trump made his own gaffe, confusing the name of the person who administered the test to him back then. the two candidates

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will go at each other face to face. on june 27th, during the presidential debate, independent candidate robert kennedy jr has a path to join the pair on stage , but as of now, he does not meet the requirements. yesterday, cnn announced that the two leading candidates both agreed to the rules of this 90 minute debate. now, the network says the candidates podiums and positions will be determined by a coin flip. their microphones will be muted when they're not speaking, and they will only be allowed a pen, a notepad and a bottle of water. no props or prepared notes will be allowed. and for the first time in a long time, the debate is not going to have a studio audience. happening today, stanford university graduates are entering a new chapter of their lives. this morning, the university is holding its main commencement ceremony for the class of 2024. that event kicks off at 930 at stanford stadium, and philanthropist melinda french gates, excuse me, is going to deliver today's commencement address. >> well, around the bay, there are plenty of events for dad to

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enjoy on this father's day. a martinez dads are invited to get their grill on. it's the 16th annual king of the county barbecue competition today, day two of that heated competition. and even if you're not firing up your own grill, you can still come on down at joy, food, music , and much, much more. want to head to the city? thrive city is calling all bay area dads and golfers to enjoy a rather unique golfing experience with a mobile golf simulator unit, there will be nine putting greens, bucket golf attendees can also catch that final round of the us open tournament on that big plaza board. big screen. that event event begins at noon time today and in the east bay in danville, a dazzling car show alongside those classic cars will be live music, a variety of family friendly activities for all ages. the event begins at 9:00 this morning there at the blackhawk museum, and want to wish all of you a happy father's day. >> we'll keep fire safety top of mind in solano county today, because right now a red flag

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warning is in effect and that's going to last through monday morning. the weather service says high winds and low humidity and warm temperatures are all contributing to an increased risk of fire danger. so you want to keep an eye on those barbecues and other fires because embers and sparks can blow into dry vegetation and quickly spread. meanwhile, firefighters in butte county are working on putting out the dunes fire that's located about 60 miles north of sacramento. that sparked yesterday. while the area was under a red flag warning their evacuation orders were issued yesterday afternoon, but they've since been downgraded to warnings and the fire has burned about 1000 acres. it is 10% contained. no injuries reported in san jose. a vegetation fire broke out on saturday morning. this was near a residential area near san felipe and las animas roads. the felipe fire burned about 19 acres of a hillside. about 80 firefighters fought that fire from the ground and from the air. at last check, the fire was about 80% contained, but the cause is still under investigation. >> cal fire, launching the first

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of its kind program to make homes more fire resistant. it provides up to $40,000 for low income homeowners and high risk fire areas. pilot program involves several counties, including lake shasta, siskiyou, el dorado, tuolumne, and san diego. the goal is to retrofit 2500 homes and create a template for other california communities. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. a lot of our focus is on ember intrusion, so as embers pile up, it creates a higher btu and it can catch a home on fire almost from within or underneath. >> cal fire says it will formally present a report to state lawmakers next month about the success of their fire safety program. >> a massive wildfire near highway five in or interstate five, rather in southern california, explodes to over 10,000 acres overnight. the evacuations in place and updates

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on the road conditions and june is men's health month. >> and on this father's day, we will sit down with a local psychiatrist next and find out why men are so reticent to seek help coming up. >> and a live look there of the golden gate bridge. it's a pretty start to the day for all of you enjoying father's day festivities. we do have nice temperatures coming our way. it will be breezy to windy though. a better l k at hat a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.

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is also father's day. it's the perfect time to check in on dad's mental health with some insight. we welcome in doctor michael sands, a psychiatrist with kaiser permanente out of san leandro. doctor, good to have you with us. >> a pleasure to be here, frank. >> what is it when it comes to mental health? men, are i mentioned, a little reticent about getting help. it's like a macho thing. why? why is that? the case? >> well, i think it's been generations and generations that we are brought up to be, you know, invulnerable to be tough, self-reliant, strong and stoic. we just we don't we're not taught to connect, you know, talk about feelings and, you know, it's okay to be vulnerable, right? >> it is as a man, a joy. >> it is fulfilling to be vulnerable or we can't connect with people, our loved ones, that, you know, the meaningful relationship in our life. we

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need to be open. >> yeah. is it getting better with men? i know my dad's generation, world war two, i mean mental health. i'm fine. just keep going forward. >> no, we don't go to therapy. >> no we don't. but our men seeking help now, i guess. >> yes, men are seeking help, but still they seek help. we seek help later than women. we see at our. at my practice at kaiser, i think it's 4 to 1, women to men. so it's predominantly women. and then when men come in, they come in later and more severely ill. unfortunately and a lot of times the underlying problem is complicated by alcoholism or drug abuse. and so we have a little more work to do. they find other coping mechanisms, self-medication and acting out. and it's harder how how do manifest stress and anxiety?

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>> is it different than women? >> i think so in many ways. i mean, men also suffer from some of the same epidemic problems of depression, anxiety, ptsd, men have a higher rate of autism and drug abuse, alcoholism. but we manifest these things differently, men tend to be when they're depressed, more prone to anger, irritability, withdrawal, violence, suicide is at a much higher rate or completed suicide rather. yeah. it is. it can be tragic. certainly there is a lot more alcoholism and drug abuse and irritability, i would say in relationships. >> yeah. how about social media? i mean, the last 20 years has is that added a layer? >> absolutely. with the advent

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of the internet and then social media, it's affecting us all, especially those the younger ones of us who are who've grown up on it. there's a lack of skills. i would wager to say, in connecting with your community intimately, directly and really having that support network that you go to when you need love and, and someone to see you and really connect with you. right. we got we have our, you know, our cell phones and our text messages and emails, but it's just not the same. >> but it can it can also be a negative thing because that guy, i sent that guy a text, he never is it me? did i do something wrong? social media. on a day like today, what have you don't have kids and you see all these fathers with you know, all these kids and you're like, i'm not worthy, right. >> exactly. we do a lot of comparison. we compare ourselves to all these other people who

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are, you know, boasting of their incredible life on their feeds and whatnot. yeah. you know, it's better than nothing if you're a father and you're texting with your you know, distant children, at least you're texting. but but it it ain't quite the same as getting together eye to eye, face to face. >> i think bottom line is communicate. open your heart and things will be all right. and be be open to help. for crying out loud. we got to end it there. but, doctor, thank you very much for coming in. my pleasure. a happy father's day to you and we appreciate your. >> and to you, frank, and to doctor sands. >> all right. how about a check of whether it is a big day for all the dads out there, a lot of barbecuing and whatnot. how are we doing, rosemary? oh, we are looking lovely, frank. >> giving you a view here into san francisco. so. mostly sunny skies from one end of the bay area to the other. just a little bit of patchy fog out there this morning. the winds will be increasing as we get into the

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afternoon. something to consider. be aware of the heightened fire danger, especially during this time of year. system here over the pacific northwest is what is providing us with that northwest flow. and as i put this into motion for you, focusing on the inner east bay as we get into the afternoon again, you'll notice the yellows, the oranges, the pinks and the reds, primarily over our hills. closer to the coast. but we are all likely to have at least a little bit of wind out there for today. it will begin to die down this evening. temperatures across the bay area right now. a nice one in san francisco. 56 for you, 60 in walnut creek. low 60s to start your morning. san jose and into the afternoon. going to be very similar to yesterday 60s at the coast to upper 80s for our warmer spots inland. if you take in dad to see the giants play, we have upper 60s and that wind west northwest 20mph at game time, which begins at 105. the afternoon highs for the inner east bay. today we've got low

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80s expected. livermore dublin, pleasanton. maybe you're going to the alameda county fair to celebrate a dad's day into the north bay for our wine lovers. 84 degrees in napa on the peninsula 77 redwood city. your extended forecast here. temperatures will be up slightly on monday. we are now winding down the final days of spring, and it's a beautiful one mid 80s for our inland cities. on tuesday, a little bit cooler on wednesday, slightly warmer on the first day of summer. back to you. okay >> thank you rosemary. well caught on camera. a couple rescued by a helicopter after running out of water while hiking near joshua tree. we'll talk about the efforts to save that dehydrated hiker. >> and did you cast your vote? in our question of the day, we're asking you, when do your parents become your friends after they're adults right now, leading the pack at 51% after we become employed and self-sufficient at 11, and not my friend at 38. come on, you

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can chime in at ktvu.com/vote and we'll have more results throughout the morning. stay right there i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?

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the post fires burned along highway five or interstate five, rather 70 miles north of los angeles. so if you are planning on driving down to southern california today or tomorrow, you will want to check those road conditions, because that

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freeway was shut down yesterday. it has since reopened. evacuation orders are in place for the community of gorman, and right now, containment is at 0% and the cause of that fire is still under investigation. time now, 825. >> dramatic video capturing a helicopter rescue of a hiking couple that ran out of water in southern california. check it out. it happened in joshua tree national park. the riverside county sheriff's office says a man called 911 reported that his girlfriend was weak and very dehydrated, and the department sent a chopper into the hikers. hikers location, rather, and rescuers spotted the couple huddled in a dry creek bed. rescuers were removed. the victims one by one from the scene. officials rushed the woman to the hospital due to the severity of her dehydration. >> well, for decades, our reporter tom vacar has been covering everything in the bay area, from the silly to the serious. and on saturday night last night, he was honored with a very important award. he was this year's recipient of the

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governor's award at the 53rd northern california area emmy awards. this is the highest honor a chapter of the national academy of television arts and sciences can bestow. tom has reported in the bay area for 45 years, over 30 of them right here at ktvu, and he received last night's honor for his compelling coverage and outstanding accomplishments, and rocking the mock turtleneck to looking good. >> tom, congrats. well a group of retired law enforcement officers left the north bay a week ago today, and they're less than 1000 miles away from reaching the arctic ocean. a look inside their journey and the motivation behind their 8000 mile trip coming up. >> and if you're looking for some father's day fun today, stay tuned. we're live from the black hawk museum this morning with a look ahead at its annual father ay car

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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! from danville this morning. taking a look at the preparations underway. it's their big father's day car show. we'll take you there. live in a moment. live pictures. there plus a day to remember for thousands of graduating students . this morning, the women's advocate and philanthropist who is set to deliver this year's commencement address coming up from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> happy sunday. good morning everyone. a beautiful shot of your golden gate in all its glory. a beautiful blue sky day today, a little windy although the flag is not rocking there, but inland. you're going to feel that breeze a little bit. in fact, a red flag day out there.

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so take it easy if you're going to do a little barbecuing in the backyard. happy father's day. i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> it is sunday, june 16th. let's go to meteorologist rosemary oroczo. i mean, we do. we've talked about the red flag warning up in solano county. we knew it was going to be windy, but overall in the bay area it's looking like a pretty lovely day. >> it's gorgeous out there right now. the winds haven't turned on just yet. we do expect into the afternoon. that's when they'll be incredibly gusty along our coastline. inside the bay, over our hills and for most areas, it's going to be a breezy one in those wind prone areas, it's going to be a windy one, giving you a live look into san francisco. that north northwest flow and wind has helped to knock out the fog. it happened earlier in the weekend and that remains the case for today. the system that is to the north of us is the element providing us with this northwest flow and again, expected to increase into the afternoon, 56 degrees. right now, san francisco, upper 50s in livermore, already 70 degrees in

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brentwood, upper 50s over santa rosa and napa. the winds coming in from the north and novato ten miles per hour. concord you have a southerly wind at five. fairfield a little bit of an onshore breeze for you there. 16 into our hills, though a little bit stronger. mount diablo reporting 21mph and middle peak reporting 28, both coming from the northwest. getting into our afternoon, those winds will gust above 40mph and some of the windier spots better look at what we can expect for your father's day, sunday and the days ahead. coming up. >> thank you. rosemary. happening now. the blackhawk museum hosting its annual father's day car show. the event officially kicks off in a half an hour top of the hour in danville. some live video from there. it is the perfect event for the car enthusiast in your life. from classic cars, hot rods, there's a ride for everyone there. you can see the hoods are all up. you can check

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out everything. family friendly event is free to attend. closes at 2:00 today, so get up there bright and early 9:00 it starts. meanwhile, the san francisco rec and park department department wants to help residents celebrate father's day as well. community organization love dolores hosting a father's day celebration at helen diller playground at dolores park that starts at two today. staff will have a father's day card station, a tote bag decoration area to. make fun, personalized gifts for your father. >> well, this father's day, there is new research that shows nearly half of americans turn to their dads for help with home maintenance and repairs, according to new data by realtor.com. many americans continue leaning on their fathers well into adulthood, especially as those kids become homeowners. 51% of those surveyed who have a dad or father figure in their life say they've gone to them for advice about buying a home, and that number jumps to 56% if they live within a two hour radius of each other. when it comes to home maintenance or repairs, nearly

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40% turn to their dad for advice. i'm included in that group. >> stanford university graduates entering a new chapter of their lives this morning. the university holding its main commencement ceremony for the class of 2024. the event kicks off at 930 this morning. stanford stadium is the place philanthropist melinda french gates will deliver today's commencement address, and thousands of people packed into santa clara university's stephen stadium on saturday for the commencement of the class of 2024. there school presented diplomas to more than 1100 undergrad dressed in colorful sashes, leis and caps. university president julie sullivan was there, honoring the grads for their hard work. for some of the students, it was their very first time crossing a stage in a cap and gown, since many of them had their high school ceremonies canceled because of the pandemic. >> with enrollment on the decline, the san francisco school district will need to

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make a decision regarding 121 public schools. the school board said over the weekend that it's going to consider whether to close, merge or co-locate the schools in question during a meeting on june 25th. the district says its enrollment has decreased by more than 4000 students since the 2017 2018 school year, and it expects to lose another 4600 students by 2032. >> a big win for ucsf after a state appeals court rules it can move forward with its plans to expand its parnassus heights campus, chronicle reports. neighborhood groups were fighting to block the project because it would have violated city height and zoning restrictions. on thursday, the first district court of appeals ruled ucsf is exempt because the expansion is considered government activity. hospital is slated to be 15 stories, spanning 900,000ft!s and containing more than 300 new beds. parnassus heights is expected to open in the year 2030. ice cube's big three basketball league tipped off its

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seventh season right here in oakland at oracle arena. >> hundreds of fans came out on saturday to watch 12 teams took the floor treating fans to six games. several former nba players competed, coached by a couple of naismith basketball hall of famers and along with opening night, the league also celebrated the birthday of the ceo and founder, ice cube. he turned 55. >> i've been a big three fan since it came out. ice cube's got a great franchise going on right here. >> no matter how athletic you are, if you pass the ball well, you can't keep up with the flow. >> well, the enemies in the triplets kicked off the season. former warrior nick young, better known as swaggy p, is the enemy's head coach, and he led his squad to its first win of the season. young says spending time in oakland took him back to those championship years with the dubs. >> all i remember is the parade. you know, that parade was, was, was like one of the best moments i felt in my career. you know, after winning the championship and this the love oakland, you

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know, show was was amazing. >> good crowd on hand as well. thousands showed up to san jose's first ever latin house festival over the weekend. ktvu zac sos. he was there as festival goers danced the day away. >> thousands dancing the day away at san jose's discovery meadow saturday, when a park transformed into what organizers billed as the tech house music mecca. we follow san jose pools. that's how crystal roberson says she found out about the rave, promoted as san jose's first latin house music festival. >> i think it's awesome. i feel like san jose needs more outdoor activities so this is really nice for san jose and for the summertime, lee, foss, malone and noia. >> just some of the performers taking the stage, headlined by dj and producer gordo. >> i haven't seen gordo in a long time, so i'm excited to see

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him. marine ortega new to the air. i just moved out here to san jose and i'm glad that san jose is having these kind of events, but not new to the scene. i love house music. what do you love about house music, the whole vibe, like how it makes you feel nearby. >> jimmy hardy for him, the music's all about just the vibe. it's a good vibe. as for his girlfriend kate tolentino, i agree. >> the vibe, you know, and i think the crowd. >> oh, and the music too. it's just easy to dance to and dance. this crowd did. even non house fans like daniel torrey feeling the vibe. >> honestly, the fact there was just an event in san jose. yeah. beautiful day two. >> bottom line take note san jose event organizers. i hope that there's more of these events coming out here. >> zac sos, ktvu, fox two news. >> time now is 838, and president biden raised more than $28 million at a star studded fundraiser in los angeles. the evening's guests include former

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president barack obama, talk show host jimmy kimmel, actress julia roberts and many more. the $28 million raised made this the largest democratic fundraiser in history. president biden says that money is going to go to growing his campaign's grassroots operations and ads. meanwhile, former president trump has also seen his own fundraising grow in the weeks following his conviction in his new york hush money trial. now ahead of the president's fundraiser, hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters descended on downtown los angeles and they attempted to block the entrances to the president's big ticket event for the most part, attendees were able to get in unimpeded, although some guests were redirected to different entrances. >> former president trump took his presidential campaign out on the road to michigan, addressing black voters and a conservative group that has been accused of attracting white supremacists because there ain't no doubt i love this land. mr. trump is trying to win the support of a coalition of conflicting

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interests in the all important battleground state. former president hosted an afternoon roundtable at the african american church in detroit. he later appeared at the people's convention of turning point action, a group the anti-defamation league claims has been linked to extremists. during his appearance, donald trump criticized joe biden's handling of immigration. >> every time he comes, they're putting these illegal aliens into luxury hotels as our great warriors lie on the streets, voters in michigan are expected to play a pivotal role in the upcoming presidential election. >> president biden carried the state by less than three percentage points, four years ago. up next great story. retired chp officers and police officers all riding 8000 miles on motorcycles to raise funds for the families of fallen officers. we're going to catch

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up with them while they're on their way from the bay to the arctic ocean next. >> plus, the san francisco giants getting ready to play at the historic rickwood field. the game at this historic park has been years in the making. hear from the man who led the effort to bring the mlb back to rickwood. that's next. >> sunny, dry, breezy to windy weather on the way for your father's day festivities this afternoon. i'll have a better look at what you can expect for your neighborhood. coming up

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they are on an epic motorcycle ride from the bay area all the way to the arctic ocean in alaska. it is an 8000 mile round trip ride, and it's all to raise funds and awareness for the families of fallen law enforcement officers. this is a very tight knit group. they left the north bay last weekend and are currently riding through the yukon territory of canada. it's been a great experience so far as they motor on and carry the memory of those officers that were lost while on duty. >> we've all had friends, not

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make it, we were fortunate enough to, make it through our careers and we together, we have over 180 years of law enforcement experience. and if you include our military experience, you're looking at over 200 years of service. and we were very fortunate to make it to where we are now. and we have friends that didn't. and we're here for them. >> what's the scenery been like? what have you seen along the way? >> oh, we have seen, tremendous, huge mountains, glaciers, grizzly bears, black bears, fox, all sorts of things. it's incredible. the vistas take your breath away. >> have you been pulled over by any mountie police there, no. >> not yet. we have bumped into a few, and they're all very nice. >> does that blow your mind? you're driving to the arctic ocean, it does it, it was one thing before we left, and. but now that we're out here doing it, it's amazing. worth every mile and the food.

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>> are you eating well? >> yeah. yeah. we are. >> yeah. oh, yes. >> oh, yeah. plenty of places to eat along the way. and we have some food we brought along with us. yeah. >> and we'll stop at grocery stores and then, you know, cook around the campfire, at night and i don't know what it is. we've all commented that eating food camping seems to be better than at home. you know better than what? we can cook at home. >> are you ready to finish this or what, we're not even halfway on the first leg to get to our destination. once we get there, we're going to have to turn around and come back. yeah and, we've got a long way to go. >> anybody want to say hi to mom and dad or any family members back here? >> wife, daughter, my wife. say hi to my wife. >> yeah. me too. hi, wife. >> wife. shannon. hi, chris. >> great bunch of guys today. they're headed towards dawson city and canada. if you want to look it up. hope to reach alaska by monday. you can follow their journey on their facebook page. chp arctic ocean ride fundraiser

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for widows and orphans fund. they hope to raise some $10,000. and if you'd like to donate, the california association of highway patrolman's widows and orphans trust, we did put a link to their contribution page on our facebook page, and at ktvu dot com on our web links page. check it out and safe travels guys, quite a group, quite a motley group. and they're doing some really good stuff. all right, let's check weather here in the bay area and throw it over to rosemary. >> all right frank, thank you so much. we are looking at a pretty one across the bay area this morning. sunshine and blue skies for all of you that enjoy this kind of weather, it is time to get outdoors. start celebrating father's day. storm tracker two here. we've been watching this element here for some time now to clear it out. the fog earlier in the weekend and going to remain the case for today. it's also providing some wind out there for the afternoon. notice how by noontime, along the

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coastline we are seeing the oranges and reds and purples. that's indicating breezy conditions there. as we get into the afternoon, it becomes widespread by primarily for our hills. our passes through the delta again along the coastline, but all of us could experience at least a little bit of breeze out there for the second part of the afternoon as we get into a sunset in the evening hours, it begins to drop off. temperatures. right now, 56 degrees in san francisco, upper 50s in hayward, inland, and already a mild one, 69 in brentwood, 63 in concord. how about the north bay going to be warm here for the afternoon by lunchtime, 80 degrees expected over a santa rosa. we've got mid 80s for a 3:00 in the afternoon. that's where we are expecting to top out most of our inland cities. anywhere between 3 and 5 in the afternoon is when we see our warmest temp, 82 degrees this afternoon in livermore. if

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you're going to be in the pleasanton area for the alameda county fair, going to be warm there during the afternoon, bring along the sunblock of course, the water. solano county, also with the fair this weekend and i imagine a lot of festivals going on around the bay area. in celebration of dad today, here's a look at the extended forecast as we wind down spring of 2024. notice our temperatures don't change much. very enjoyable weather for most low 60s at the coast. we've got 70s around the bay mid to upper 80s expected for tomorrow and then a tad cooler on tuesday. wednesday right now looks to be the coolest day, so to speak, and the first day of summer arriving at 150 in the afternoon on thursday mid 80s for our warmer spots. 70s around the bay. low 60s at the coast. >> back to you. looks like a great week ahead. thank you rosemary. hey, the giants have one more chance to beat the angels today at oracle. look back at yesterday's game and what they need to do to prevent

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a sweep at oracle park. coming up ♪ “jack n the box” by ice cube ♪ ♪ and your babies ♪ ♪ see my head is so big they call me ♪ ♪ jack n the box ♪ ♪ come on, fool, you know it's true. ♪ get a chick-n-tater melt in my new munchie meal. jack: welcome to jack in the box! a slow network is no network for business. get a chick-n-tater melt in m that's why moreal. choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!

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with four sandwiches to choose from, everyone can build their own munchie meal. or they can just get mine. or they can get exactly what they want. or they can just get mine. or they could just get yours. jack: build your own munchie meal. ice cube: or get mine. jack: welcome to jack in the box! from its 35th edition of the kids count data book, released, teachers looked at declines in student math and reading proficiency, brought on by covid 19. the foundation ranked california 35th overall in child well-being, citing more than

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half of the state's three and four year olds are not in school, and less than one fourth of its eighth graders are proficient in math. new hampshire received the top ranking on the list in contra costa county. police are looking to reports of a mysterious man who allegedly paid teenagers to tie them up, tickle them and then filmed them, according to the story from the mercury news, at least a half dozen teenage boys in moraga and orinda were contacted on social media by this man, who offered them $600 to meet him at a discreet location to be bound, tickled and filmed. police say some of the boys agreed, and their videos circulated on social media soon after. so far, police have not announced any arrests and they all said they have not identified that man. >> police in brentwood are asking for the public's help finding a missing teen. police say a 16 year old mckenna riley ran away from her home in brentwood on wednesday. she's about five foot tall, 118 pounds, brown hair, hazel eyes. police say she's at risk due to

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her age. anyone that may have information about her whereabouts are urged to give brentwood police a call. and this week, the giants will be traveling to birmingham, alabama, to take on the saint louis cardinals. >> the team is going to play at the historic rickwood field in a game honoring the leagues and the deep tradition of the ballpark, ktvu greg lee spoke to the man who's led the effort to bring the mlb to birmingham. >> when the giants in saint louis cardinals meet at historic rickwood field in birmingham, alabama, it will be a day gerald watkins never even dreamed of. >> here we are, on the cusp of probably the biggest day in our history, except for opening day in 1910. >> watkins is the chairman and executive director of the friends of rickwood, a nonprofit that, since the 90s has been charged with preserving the oldest professional ballpark in the u.s. there was, talk about the wrecking ball and a group of concerned citizens, mostly, gentlemen, that have been here as children with their fathers

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or grandfathers said, hey, we can't lose this building. >> we can't lose this facility. >> there's a rich history at rickwood that dates back to its opening day in 1910. from 1924 to 1960, it was the home of the birmingham black barons of the leagues, and where giants hall of famer willie mays started his professional career. it's that history the mlb will honor with this game the hall of famers that have come through here, 182 of them. >> quite a few of them are leaguers that never made it to the big leagues, but they all had a time and place in history, and they had a time here. and we want to celebrate that with everyone. >> for watkins, a retired banker, rickwood is rooted deep in his childhood memories as a ten year old kid coming here with friends to see baseball. >> i remember coming here and seeing reggieac. it always seemed like this was the biggest place in the world. >> when the mlb held its field of dreams game in iowa in 2021, watkins began lobbying the league to bring a game to rickwood. >> we have a baseball park where

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it's a real field of dreams because imagine willie mays, 17 years old, standing in our outfield looking around and dreaming. maybe one day i can be in the big leagues. >> after years of talks and more than $5 million from the city of birmingham for renovations to bring the field up to mlb standards, rickwood and the magic city are ready to shine. >> 8100 is going to be our capacity that day, but judging by the phone calls and the emails and the text, we could have done, we could have sold 50,000 tickets. >> watkins hopes visitors to rickwood feel the gravity of the game and understand the ballparks special place. in baseball and u.s. history. you can look out there and see willie mays in your dreams. >> you can look out there and see satchel paige on the mound, or babe ruth or lou gehrig. all those greats came here and it's just a place where memories can come alive. and yet we're tying the future in greg lee ktvu fox two news and greg lee will bring us live coverage out of alabama. >> he'll be traveling there this week. you'll be able to catch

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the game between the giants and the cards. that's on thursday. it starts at 4:00 right here on ktvu you. let's hope the giants have a little mojo going into that game. for the second straight day, the g-men came up short against the angels at oracle. despite a big game from eliot ramos, he continues to mash away, this time right out of the gate. bottom one he'll unload on patrick sandoval. two run shot his eighth of the year. giants up two. nothing. it was three one giants in the sixth logan opie when longball in 2a2 run shot that would tie it. the angels went on to score another. they win it four three. giants will try to prevent the sweep at oracle later today. >> well, the dads are getting ready to go on a special father's day kayaking trip this morning. we'll take you live to alameda with a look at that upcoming excursion, plus a wildfire down at southern california grows to 10,000 acres overnight. >> check on the fight to contain the fire burning along interstate five coming your way. and a quick programing note. fox sports coverage of bassmaster is

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next, but we're switching over to ktvu plus at nine for another hour of news. we hope to see you over there.

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♪ >> announcer: you're watching a fox sports presentation of b.a.s.s. welcome live to alabama. and it's a big day for the bassmaster elite series 2024. this is the what

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