The Sunbury Gazette, and Northumberland County Republican from Sunbury, Pennsylvania (2024)

jpiiJJLAlM IT lu TUB PCFL ry 01 AlUf ri ia iwi tad Isil tort iu depth, c.iA uias uto tiw-t'ion, cd ta Ut fKJHMjr of M.MmjM. AL0. litOCLAMATION- 11 Kl J.r Iomm mi Kb of tW luatstas raAai Mt i ami A- tv K.aH AWM Um. -) ft mdA ilh, Bj rt wtio -it erVisa.Ii-to si J'-t-i ll 1j la futt. lie tjia tfc Ofrt Hirtii fcuLturj, Co Mor4 tw day or etib a JOIUf FAHEIli, -Vo.

Hariri Strtrt. 8U, PHilJkl'EUH! 1 PORTER. MuWHiiM aWlnaa ail aioJa a ajaaJiUM af bocy lura. Laaina sod CluldiM. J.

f-, won. eaj lea i lha Lila aa4 lo Jua aaw aatawv aanl. txiMf tba dinn Imporlw .4 Manatu-iur. of all my fan. I frmt im aai thai 1 caa offar rtx nH ladi'eeaaaiu lham la clock A.

tiit re-la 1j rvum ro uww. i i.ii,mm i wo-itct( is titt brQ6th of MJtuulO N'uiioum-il tb Court II it IArl ti 111 tf um loan cl- fcnatura, mi KA ll iiUAV. lU tf lh" fAl.MVrOCat.KKW UOOi3 1S54. furarh. Miinw all raiitcnaii C'la CltKlia, Fall butaa lia H) Ic stiiaau( Srm lI.atna, lirat Kit Ira fall Caltrar Vsiv $Ata, biU.

Flannel, euJi, K-ta anl Aiwkricaav t'loliia. Vaaunfa and all Mom' ear bheaUAga, Talta Linaua, Tuobitts, Ac. tVKKA LAM tl AKCU Pta fttorakra ara iaoied ta aiasau'. mu Nasi Guoda. FamilM a a be mU auiiad rw; I Lid of Drj Gutkla.

a auka Ulk. 81IU and leaJina botemlei.ij. Y.H. JoHrl wrtrad dails fruaa tba Attrliuoa of Kaar Ywk and N'rr C4a, fvpt. 6, 'S5.

wSiao AYEK'3 Cathartic Pills. GAS. CQATLDJ CtUWft TH1 tlACZ U9 tClE TEX HCT. ffciiatatttrvphsi, ri Uiir TMK KM IIcsdAcie.tlt i C. ATM.

Au: I tmmm ftt6i cur4 tf ts xitrf knt tia -W t' Oft ha) tf Mm atT fW twt wHtr r.m li Ma'bM Hl bam tfc.t mx It Ua klii ur ndm iu Mac, 14 lib- I i ktMiU. BilUw liardera m4 Liver Cwlaiau (, Visa. 1 Wfm4 font fiito in tf tnt Ivod ImI prMittw ftm yum mm ihumI bwuii i aViv t'nt I ml kau'V T'mhi fafla- if Jhr-j mrm ftJMtr4aia friwli im f9uimmu thai DpBirrt Relai. a4 Wami, rwctrrHm. RttrvAjim Lv Cdh Mim bvr.

It, HL Vwl Yil. art IW aeKrttKa of BtlicuMX Th? lut Aim my wife yam fit tiau I eu tofl 1uk4 imm fta iuiik bv fcr amhiUm. titnn c--nturunyd Xtjitnft mr rtltft. wt.trh -nr4 htt, tar -tp- limit Ui-g t)iuuiuimi wrMa trim Urn UkI. Tlv JWwtuite curw, at our two ciuUltM t4 I4tv)v (miv1 uurKJhUwstwd ted.

and mt if rurHi liiia with iww ttnam cf yonr Pili. whit r-n4 im Umm fl ti(t 4lrt (hacloiV irtllt, ji4 ki mm lata. mittHNit Uit-K rmM otifly vrn then. Hf nw nnit a Tr, which rtuaUly im. acd buiMftt, U1 hr ftrwerf bem.

titO. J. OtilFFIV, AMmtutw. IbdtgpitiAB aid Impurity of the Blood. J4v Av.

J. IJimet, Autar nf AUrent CSurck, HutUm. 1R. Avth: 1 hftrf med Juur lilt with ottmordinarT tutf'tfM in ftnv ftatnity ni tmonf tin 1 am raJlfd iu tmi ilialrv. To rtfi iiaU tb oryini rf dictuxi and punfy fie ItU! at tb ftry Imwi rptumlT 1 Imre pvt I cma rttnftuil rfintiifn! mj (i'B'ti.

Ywia, V. HIM 13. WiMiw, tomiio Oo K. Orv 4, IMS I am luUiig ym Catltarflr PtHi in my pnit tit-, ajtd find them an rirltrnt purjrAt'f to rTPf til Hptn awl purify tit kHintninp tf llir btoM. JOHN O.

MKACHAM, M. D. IJrysipelftn, Srrofuln, Kin-N Eril, Tetter, Tumors, and Halt Kbeutn. From Mtanhant ftf Ut. 1hum, Vft.

4, Tft. Atm: Ymi 1'tl la are tUm nnnLjtua rf atl that rr-aHn fnwllctrtp. Thvx havr rufwl tuy littl 1urntr of nlrmm un tier hAn-'j and (rt tliat inrnralilf frx vtra. Iltir ruotlicr ha ln prmw nmirle.1 i(h M.ti-1i-n ami pimpfM nti hr skin and in lu hair. AftTT.njr t'UMd waa ciirM.

aJnt also tiny, your Hill, and Ibey hav cun-d bar. A3 A MOIUiKilXJK. Kheumatiam, Keuralpn, nnd Gout F. on the jYi. r.

ttiwiu, ttf the AriWiri fyit. ChurcA l'Liatei II oi SirA.AH. lk5fi, llmiwcn Sir I hlnniM auraMal frrtt yoar rMII htu brmitilir mr it I il mt report my caar to ymu A tuld tcttUnl iu mv liml und Lmtjht on iifUtiiijrif )iiia. which einltd in rhrontc rhiimat.iun. I had lh- U-i of tb iumn pn VirM and wow, ontiL 1'T thi- aJvin of oitr extrj-eni aRfiu in liltinmre, Ur.

Ma ktnri. I tried' ymir Their ertert wer alow, but inrp. hj jK-rapvotim iu Ih uu oi iiima aiu now tmurriy gl SATE CUAMOCR, BTOJI ltul'iiE. 5 Dr. AyRR 1 bav been entirely citwt hy otr Tilli of Rlu umatic Ouut a miuful dwra-e that hail afftirtM for year.

VINCKM tSLIlKLIa. For Dronar. Plethora, or kindred Com plaliitt rvqauitttc tu aclive purgv, they aiu au exreh If at nmoiiy. For Cofttypnes or Constipation, and aa ft Dliiuer PHI, tin are rirfexMo mid ol)ctttal. I'itH, Snpprchion, Inflnmmn- tton, and Bn DfafnrM, an-l Pnrllal it I In d-ursK, liaru Uefu ruled Uj llic altarativt action of ihcM I'ilR Miat of tlir niHs in mnrltct.fontaiii Mrrnry, which, although a tbIiimI'Ii p-ntivty in okiirul hnmla, is tin iffn iMi 1 it A I'lihlL iVnm milvl tmiiPiMjiViiCfn 1 hat fio-(ii'Mifly t'nilow il mruutioii5 w-.

Tliu cuutajn no mercury oi BUbsrani'e whatt-ver. AVI-R'S CHERRY PECTORAL Fun the liAi'in of KZA, BltOlVt 'IUT1N, CltOlP, AS'PIIilfA. 1K- toxsrmPTioN, pint f- the i'Ht'1 of ronfuniptive patienlc in advanced of (he IVi iitM-d not tpnnk tn the puMir of Tirtncs. fivcry town, autl aiimist ev'iy hum hit of the iinir. wondci I'll I'llf'i of piilmonnry rfm-I-iiiinlM liiivc mti'h- it known.

Nay, frw ftre the (kniilu-s in any rivilized cotinh you Uiii fvii'ijHnt ttlmut twiiiu fxpt'iicucc of it) i tl'ect: ami fpwtT yt-t tlio comnniiiiSu'K any wht-rf whi. not uniDiir them mm" trt-jsliy (( iia vii'tmT ti.o ul ii' mui ihiii-(ftH'ii" tiisiiwcs i (liuft! ill. 'Z- Whilu it i the JinV flihl illltt4itC et lillnM'U io jli lu thi rinnnimim of tlm null" liary it j- ti.i' iiietlv' 'at ran ho for and yonny piTon." I- renJ hhmihl Iia' i in st'trc aiiit the t-nert that tuaN tini thfin iinHY.fuvd. Vl'c liave lo tV mor'! live hj the iiUts I'lTM'iits tlmn those it etirs. -Kcct it by you, VLtur ivihis vhiip riniihl-.

th. in v.iiiii no hunum skiil nui manri-r thi ranker that. fnst'Urr mi the vitu'i. eats voilr lift y. All riiow thfl drwi'tfnl latnlify of l'ins disorders, and know tivi th virtnci ol'thit trmiilf, Mtnwd not lu ni.tre tliHD to them il i mill miidti the lxr.t it rau he.

Ve jsjiarc no post, no care, no toil to nroihicr it the nio-l pfrftTt jhnnihlc and ihns afford thorn ho rely ou it thf lios! a-iit which our ill run fiiniitl) fo; their PREPARED BY SR. J. f. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. and sold ur Wm.

A. Brimer, Sunbury; Bird 4 John, Shamokii i Wicmei, Northumberland; J. K. Hays McCormick, McEwiasrille and by all llSsgiits thrtjupliout the eounty. August IB, 1858.

ly AD JOURNEb'' ORPHANS SALE. pursuance of an order of the Orpbans'-Oourt of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sole on SATURDAY, the 18tli day of October next, at the Public Hoqso of Wmr' Weaker; iri the town of Khamokin, the following described real estate to wit All those eight lots of ground, situate in the town' of Shamokin. county aforesaid, numbered as follows: Block G7 lot no. block 72. lot no.

block 99, lot no. 4 block 13. lot no. 8 block 79, lot no. 5 block 93, lot no.

3 block 107, lot no. 6 block 106, lot no. 2. Late the estate of Jacob Albright, late of the city of Lancaster, deceased Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made uor.n by CHRISTIAN ZERCnER, Adm'r.

By order of the Court 1, iii)Oi7T in. J. U. A UAXOTjlj, Kjll U. J.

Sunbury. tippt. 27, 1856. ts Estate of MARY UPDEGRAPF, Dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given to Casper Upde-graff, Jno.

Brennisholtz, and Elizabeth, his wife, John Updegraff, Adam Updegraff, Lydia, widow or SDOwden 5nnt, Sarah, widow of Thomas Updegraff, James Lytle for himself and as guardian Of Donizetta' Lytle, Jno. Ebrigltt, and Mary, his wife, and Jno. Ebriaht, guardian "of Sarah Levi and Elizabeth Updegraff, heire and legal representatives of Mary Updegraff, late of Lower Augusta township, and to all other that you and each of you be and appear before the Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury, in and for the county of Northumberland, on the first MONDAY of November next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Mary Updegraff, viz A certain tract of land situate iu Lower Augusta township, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Christian Ferst, Adam Clorist, Lydia Starr, Peter Coldrain, and others, containing thuty-three and three-fourths acres, and allowance al the valuation put thereon by an Inquisition, or to show cause whybe said premises should not be Bold according to the acts of assembly in such case made and provided. IIENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, 1 rt" gunbnry, Sept.

13, 1856. 13 Teachers Wauled. BV the Board of School Directors of Shamokin district. Northumberland County. The Board will meet on the day commonly called THURSDAY, the 2d day of October next, at one o'clock P.

at the Public House tf Charles Leisenring, hi Shamokin township, to employ teachers for said District. The county Superintendent will also be thei for the examination, $-c By order of the Board, u--T ELIDA JOHN, Secyr mo. 1856. ALL persons haying claim unsettled, gainst Bowan Martz (l Boweri ir Maa. ssr, will please hand them to the subscriber -r.

J. B. MASBFR. RB ira i. Element tkt ib iotctr a'afl rant c.d-u Vn tio6js MnU of lie ia 18 aril lj a -i Gr.

rr.r LlltAfl It lE.B ps li.s fuila ai k-nicU ran, 1K.1 ant! auM chp. H.Uf fih hia rirlfn ai Hilly, tli c.i tomyi tl.a Motll at krj ana Scilby in pixtlculm. fir wtKiU aaMmefl ansk. If tua auj AM fk-ranii Wul a. art, CQLNTEK Jl MP1.XU NOVICE can id that ill Wat it to th rl.nts umniiiaifj, it la rnough U'aaf that br has ctri-jr lbm; tta III of Dry Goods, Groceries AD SHOES.

that ia krpt in any Oltwr ator ia town, ul b.uitiF hit far- aalonf mar ll U'h auai a' Ur fre, And ih- H-aue of lb. 6- VVh.W br Stan aoJ htt tu.pJ hUiiiC il Ukc Liie Sua, 'Tetitiia ail tutuiua Trt Ktti1mui brf ua. 1'lii it a fi eountry ur at lrtit la wlin all are frr. thrrtfura il is free tut sll tliir triJin? wheia thry ran Bl'V he t'HEAr-KST tTpardlr'a of ilia cruas and aour tir nf old fog mercliatita. All are invited tu rsll anil see.

TI1K COUNTRV, a ai liie town art- invitoj, tit trerj person, rich or J)Oor, ot low, boud tree ara Invited to rail. oh on oraM stof toat speW, I har pnoJs HWf Vw in nod Tu btVi thenisrlve. trs ot their piiata, And Ihey aline car! sujipls a biat. Over otiier denlera hrUi tewn These n-S csva won rcn-iwa, Kit selluif; Uie rii'-lriest and liie beat, Alii fclluij more than all the re. tiurrab, Hnrmk O'er hill sua plia, Aeeept my tliuiks and call aiain Amuug nr awaMiroeiit yoti'lt tlwati find, Goudi, to fit aiid pleaM ihe ar.iud.

We've on hand and aKvays willing, sell oui p*rnls anj ewn a i.tilliner, hold your horaes aud romt tlm way, We shall be ghd to tee yoii any day a jfo. Markket Squat-e, otiposhb tha Court P. He wiMieS il dlsllnr'ly underetood. that he is Dot to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No eharg fur showing goods.

All of produce Uken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Si, 18.1'i. BKDDIXU 4 FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscribers rtspecirully Inform their friandi ilnd the public generally, that they have rnnner-ted with their bedding Kurnishiag business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, al their old stand 83 Serond le'sav riiUaTelpUa- Tliey hiiTe assoslated with them W. 9. Jrowri who has been for (natty years ohgagvd in the principal establishment of the kind in this city.

'The stock of Goods now ori hand comprises every description of rnatersnlii used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz1; Hardcare department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Dei Screw, Chair ant! Sofa Springs. Coffin Haiulles, b. Cabinet Maker'; Materials, llait Posting, Curled Hair, Looking Cilau 1'lntcs and Frames, Glue, Varnish, Sand J'nper, Burlaps, and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Bottoms, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knoba, Giass, Screws, Ac; Bedding Department, llair, Wool ancl (Cotton Mattresses. Frather A'eds, bolslers and Pilldws Plash, Kamask and Moreen Cushions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen anil Cotton Shrels, Pillow Ca6, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Covers, Moreen, DemnSk and Plush by the piece, Moss and Husk by tlitl bale of pdilnd.

The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of H. .1. NoUit. N.

B. Hotels, Stfearh boslts and Ships furnished at tiie shortest notice- NOiJLir, BKOWN i.KOBUr, 8H South 2nd lei'Jit Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 9, 1850. ly. a-TJN TTOTICE.

AKDliEW WURFFKEIJf, Importer and Manufacturer of (Guns, Killes, Pislois, Xo. 122 Xorth Second Stiret, Philadelphia. WHERE he ket-ps constantly on hand a general assortment of fine doubl and single barrel Shot Guns, large duck guns, rifles and of all kinds. Ilso, the celebrated cast steel rifles, with increased twists, to shoot thai pointed ball of his own make rifle barrels, jiliot bags, ponches, He invites persons wishing to purchase goods in his line, to call and examiri) his stock beitrfe ptirchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell on the rnost reasonable terras. Particular attention paid lo lit all its branches.

August 30, 18SG. w3m floubTieed GR0CEBY stoee. CHARLES GAKINGER, KSPhCTFl LLY informs the citiier.s 6f Sunbury the ntlglllforln'tf country that he has purchased the Grocery Store in Water street, the rear 01 the whari. recently kept by Vfeise Clement, and that he has jtist replenished his stock which he will sell at reasonable prices. He will keep a fcenstrnt supply of Flouf, Gtairi and Feed; lir.eail, Fish and Cheese, Hafns, Shoulders and Herring, Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, Spices and Fruits, Nuts, Confectionaries of all kinds; Boots and Shoes, Laijjes Gaiters, Misses arid Children's Shoes, also Quecnsware, Cedairwarfe, Hardware and Notions, Citizens are equested to frend ifi their orders for Flour, Feed and Groceries and he deliver Suntrary, Juna 14, I83C tl Latent wnEEiTbHiGASE." THIS Gresse is recoTrrrfrended to the noticfi ot Wagonera, Lrfery Stable keepers, being SvecBiou to anything of the kind ever ASil does f.ot gum' upon the axles ia" much more durable, and is' not 'afleclefl by the weather, remaining the same in summer aa in winter, and put up in tin canister at 37 and 62J cents, for sale by WM.

A. i BliUNER. Juile 21, 185). fjELLIXG OFF AT COST. IHE inbscriber tesefct ully informs tha jmbv lie tkat he is now selling of hi (STOCK OF CLOTHING reduced prices, as he intends goinjf into other husinesi.

J'ersohs in want of Ckap' Clothing should not fail to Persona indebted to the snbscrrbrf are rc bucsted to call and aettle. SIEfiStUND srsioN. Sunbury. June 28, 1856, IJKOWN'S and Breinia'a Essence of and Husband' at May 31, '56. -BRUNER'S.

pORT MOitAIES, Tooth Bnd' Hair Brushes' ll qualhiea, and anv qnanti for sale by BRUNEKv June 21, 'R6. Oan il rJmbroiilcreil Craoe. printed eaah- fancy stetla, white bdrefse, trench borJer, silk fringe and figflred silk hawla just jereived by E. Y. fctlSlif BONY Fy irttt tf Cer1.B nt wf Tnulia October, unit, fiiuii.j CukuU-J real to a iw uno.iiaea bui rc ut wuau mh of bic the ud Caitiu Bijilia, ia in If-tin urikxl, aunat iu CuJ Zrrb Toneship "sionbumbailai.d rouuiy, Jjmun land.

turevd to JoLb liujd. t.liara WJ-oo, Peter krr, hdthwJ Kroil and Fred-trick knmr, and aurvejed a warrmnl lo Mathiai Zimim roian, containing- 307 crc SiS prrhl tour ur which is erected aj small log huu.a and bich said Calvin ISIvtbe lieni and aold aulject to the Power of I be l'iaiotiff IL of li tauJ Matliiai Zimmerman. beized Uken ia xefatrpn oJ to I oM aa Itie property of Fraxinnrk Laxaxiu Aomiu Utrator of Cuivia Bljlb Dec'd. II. WEISK Sheriff.

Sacetrr' Orrn Suaburr, bipt. 27, 18:6. "raocLAyiATioxT TV OT1CE it herchy ghta ihnt Uwi arwiral Cuuru Commoo llraa, Genrr1 Quartrr Sraaioua th peacr, and (irhiii' (xirt. Court of Over and Tw uiiik and Grnrral Jail Delivery, in anJ for the ruunty of Kortlium1erliuid. romiuriire at the Court Htusa, in the borough ot Suiibury, at 10 o'clock, A.

M. on MonJav, the 3d day of Normlr next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justirea of Peace and connti-blet in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per-tons, with thrir rolls, rerortla, iminiritiona, and other renienihranrrs, to do those thing to their aeveral offices appertaining to he done. And all witnesses prosecuting liehalf of the Commonwealth airainst any prisoner are alo requested and cemmnnded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute asrainst him, as shall be just and not to depart without ieave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices.

0'ieu under my hand at Punhury, the 1st day ot October in the year of our Iord one thousand 1 ebrht hundred and fifty-six -nnd the Inde- I pendeijce of the I nited States of America the (Oth. GoJ save lli Commonwealth. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Siitairr's Orricx, tin bury, October 4, 1850. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 71 North.

Scrond Street, (ojrpoiilt th ttiount emon House.) Philadelphia. (OI.D l.erer 'H'atchefl, full jeweled, 18 ca- scs, $28; Silver Lever $12; -6il- ver Lepine, $9 Quartier. $5 to Gold spectacle. 4 50 lo 10; Silver $1 0 Silver Table Spoons per eett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert to iiil 1 Silver Tea 4 to 47 GolJ i'ciis and Cd Cc ses, tja 2S to Hi5t -tiold I'cns and Silver do. 1 together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Fob Chains.

All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches' and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, l'ins, made to arder, N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to.

Oct. 4, 1858. I vw. THE COMING HOLIDAYS Great 1'revaratiom, "WM- T. IN returning thanks to his numerous friends and residence of, bunbury and vicinity fjr tileii very liberal patronage, and anticipating an increased demand for articles of his own Manufacture and Importation, has made extensive preparations to supply the same, in his stock (surpassed by none in the city, and to which lie coi.stantlv receiving additions from Europe the newest styles,) can always be found a selection cf articles suitable for Bridal, Birthday and Holiday Presents, of the most recherche nnd unique uCsefif tiefiomprising in part ltich Dressing Cases, Writing Desk, Cabas, Fans, Bronze llisque and Pariaw Figures, Musical LSoxes, Opera Glasses, and a rich variety of the useful and ornamental in Ormolu, Bronze, Shell, Mosaic, Papier Maehe, Also, Combs Brushes and Toilet Articles.

VM. T. FRY, 12S Arch (opposite the Theatre) 1'hil'a. October 4 1856. 3mw A PERFUMED BREATH.

AT7IIAT lady or gentleman would remain un-' der the curse ufa disagreeable breath when by using the Balm of a Thousand Flower," as dentrifice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many per- mention it. Pour a single drop of "Balm" on yot tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning. A bity cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may easily be acqured by Using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples and freckles from the skin, leaving it of a soft roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the face night and morning.

SHAVING HADE EASY. Wet your shaving brush in either in waim or cold water, pour on two or three drops of "Balm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well and it-will make a beautiful soft lather, much facilitating the operation of shaving. Price only fifty cent6. of counterfeits. None genuine unless sighed by W.

P. FETRIDGE CO. Franklin Square, New York. Sept, 27, 1856. Cm Cheap Watches Sj Jewelry "tXTHOLESALE and IJetaiLat the "Philadel- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No.

96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Gold Lever Watclies, fall jeweled, 18 carat cases, $28,00 Gold Lepine 18k. S21.00I Fine Silver Spectacles. 1,50 Silver Lep. full jcwiled, 9. Silver Lever, full iewl'd 1:2 txolcl Bracelets, 3.

en ladies' Gold Pencils. 1.00 1,00 finpeilor Quartieis, 7. Silver Tea spoons, set, Gold Spectacles, Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, Gold Fifiger Rings, 37 cents to $80 Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, 18; Lunet, 25 other, articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER HAELEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices.

Oct. 4, 1856. ly. PHILIP E. PTODT.

WHOLESALE ASH BtTAlt Grocery, Wine and liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS famiies will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4.1 86G.U' LTj persons indebted to the firm of Friling Grant, on Note, Book account or otherwise are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up between this and the 15th as they wish to 50 to the city to lay in their Fall flupplics.

FRILING GRANT Sunbury, Oct 4, Police hereby given that all petsoha indebted to the anbscfibers, on Book account. Note or otherwise, are respectfully requested to pay up on -or before the 1 Oth of October tnsU as wa must have money (0 purchase our Fall and Win- Jcr supply of uoods. 1 1 J. F. F.

KLINE 4 Ifcl4 Ci fNrr AMbwr CaMTmU ri IM faaiii. 'W JHUa ft ttaf vrt- ay Oortni IM lJaimiu. lu pesmm MmQm at CffTwui ftjV-lrt Anm fMpfKw Strati LW tU-m rt iUfffm 4tn? iflfxtMrtt tbt din ii tlf ru.M:.d. tmfaMtauatl lui utraB ttwia. (WrttLAfl 4atirt AuMmcf faff MKMUCf ti NoaV ttj ar4 wstai, OuS MM feUM Jft-akUiOi feat UIMlt fit UlliMHBLair- W.

ptenr ui aVkiina Um mS Wt.d f-if rXm nt U- -W '1HKl mtbi loWiHMllial WlUlli tW frXMUy a Nur-UMialMrltuatl fa.t--W(. Ta 'feaiMtatr UtMikci, Hmrod at tb wntrk of uiMiirr i two AotmL mt lit Lnr Court ll'ttHW. 'l tia Auffiwia Diairirt, r.uutnim. nf tii twuniiip nt oT at Ikk jf i mtk, t4 iL Tha Ptrint Umrn ml ibe 4a of Jteiuf lima, th bonMaga o( NttbymUeriaaKl. Tli AfitUMi D.tuicl, mi iht bujac of Frtxlerick Stieiar, T)ia TartNtt Uuuict, at tb lioasa txrupit by Abrmharn Kiaitnftai.

'Itta icUttr DiU(, al U. Sink! kg Rouae. CtiiiuKjuwiua Diatrict al this huac Bijn FTt1ilIHIII Tt Lew Diatiicl, tK Uouta cxrcujiifd by Micbiiel RraiUrr. Th UtatnH, al Um b. use uf Ciaarira Leiaau-rmi Tha Uppei tfah.ttuy DJsuk-t, at Hie mac of Du.tcl Eiwtiaart.

The Uule MaihHioy Durtrirt. al the Imbte of widow Rknt. Thm Ijcrrrr Mahtntoy Untriet. a the of Art fjat. The Kuali at itt Mher P1' ScKw! HoO 1'iic Jeciiaaii Duttrtcl, at liie bouae occupied by Gajeu Suiiih.

Tin C'wl Diftrict, at buuac of William M. Yertr In tlie U'Wii of 8haniikiu. TlicZerbe Diatnct at Ui ttottftB of Johti AV raver Treviwliiu. The Cajncroii Dintrirtt at the houae of Otrtoon pf-rfc. The Jorilau Diairirt ut the tatue of Bfnjuniui l.nttr Tlie M'uul Caimcl at the pautc ue e-lix Lcrcli.

The WathiiiUm Diltnrt at Uie htm nf Wm. Krhraa Tno lo txrUreftii Ufe houra of and 10 rl in the forenoon, and bIiaII trortlnne without inter r' iittitn or tH'J'Himiilent until o'clock in tli cveiMntf bcu the polla shall be rl-. Tne aeveral In Lori an JaAi etrrtrd nn the 3d Friday o( in uurwutm-e if the 3d ftrrtinn of thcBcKif the 3d of Jit'v, 1R3Q, wiil bold the e)tctxmofl Tuemliiy tfce th day of bstolwr rn-xt. "Thm every peratm rtJ, a Juaih enf the Pra.n, wha alifhhold any olfiee or npnointinfiit -if and trust u.t def ie govenimeirt of the United ttata, or of hm Htate, or of any city or incorporated dintnct, whether i nminta-aionetl or iigent, who phall be employed under or jndiriory depart uwnt. if thiStattr' or the United States, or of any cily or incorporated diatrict and alao that every member 0i'grra and of the State l-esjialuture, and of the aeleet and coicimon council of uny city, or commissioner of any lotnc-t, ie by liiw, incapuble of holdineT or exreriKiii the oifkv or appointment of Judrc.

Inapectnf or Cicrk, of anyeV-rtioii of this common wemlth, and that no Inapector, Jmtga oi any other officer of auch election, ahull be eligible to ar.v offife to be thsn voted ffir, And the avid Act of Awembly, act relatirif to the elwtiona of tins pawitU July the '2nd, lUrther provides at Ui wit 'That the Inspectors aid JUdgea choaen aa aforeaaid, afinll meet at the retpettive placea for holding the rlectioli in the disftict to which respectfully belofi befure nine o'clock in the milling of the second Tueatliiy of October in em-h nnd every year, bikI eueh of nid hiapecUin Bliallapixfnitoneclwk, who shall be a qualified voter of aiirh district. Hkctiox stV-That anv fnmd cortiinittci. hr nm nxra.n voting in the nmnner nlove pre8friied, shrill be punished ns similar frauds are dheeed to lie punished by the exist, i nij; ia ui tin LiimuUHlWeuiUl. ''in case the person who shnll have received the second highest number of votes for Inspectors shall not attend oa the day of any elect ion, then the peraon who shall UuVe received the second hjifheat nuinber ot votes for Judtre the next preceditie: election, shall act aa an inspectotui hii place, and in case the peraon elected Juuxe shall not attend the Inspector who received the lughrst miinltcr of voles, hali appoint a Judtre in his place; uhl if any vacancy thai! continue in the Urn ret for the apacaof hull' an hour after the time lixed by law for the opening of the election, township ward-ur no district for which such officers shall luive elected, present at she place of elections, stmlt oiteof their numher lo fill such vacancy. "Jt anal! be the dut of said asesanrs respectively to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township election, during the whole time said tkction is kept ijpen, for the purple oi giving information to the Inspect' irs and Judge, wlrm called on, in relation to the light of any person assessed by them to viu at auch election, or auch other roattera in i elation to the assessment oi na the said inspector or judge or either of them filial! from time to time require, "No person stiall be permitted to XMe at anv election us af.resuki, other than a white free man oi twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in the state at lea one year, and in the elect lm district where he offers to vile at leatt ten days immediately preceediin the election, and wtthitt two years paid stute ol county tnx.

shall have Iweh assessetl nt east tril duyfi before the election. lit: a citizen of tlie United States who had previously been a qnalifjwl voter of this state, and removed therefrom und resumed and shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax aa aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this state six months, Provided, That the white freemen, citi zens of the United States, between the age of twenty-one and twenty-two years, and in the elcctiot district ten days as aforesaid, shall he entitled to a vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. No shall le peTmitletj to vote whose nam; t.i not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners as aforesaid, unless. First: He. nrmlnfc a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a state or I county tax assessed agreeably to the constitution, and gave satisfactory evidence either on his own oath or affirmation, or on the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such tux, or on failure to produces receipt, shall make .01 outii to me payment uiereor or second, ti he claim a right to vote by being au elector between the ages pf twenty-one and twenty-two Jeurs.

lie nha'1 depose on oatli ut affirmation, that he has' resided US least one 1 year cxt before hifrapplieafioii. "and make surh proof of residence" in the district as is required by this act and that he does verily believe from the account given him' delit he ia of the atc fnreairt, and give such other (evi-I thuces as is required by this act, whereupon U'e name of the person so admitted to vote, shall be inserted in nlpha- helical list by the inspectors, nuij a note mirie opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax," if he ihall be permit- ea to vote oy reason ot having pdld lax, or the woid tage," if he shall be permitted to vote on account ef htB age, and in either case the lenson of such votes shall be called out to the clerk, who shall make notes in the list of volers ket by them. In all cases where the. name of tli nerwri claimfntTtn vote is ijijt found on the lict furnished bv (he Commission- i Cfs and Asfiessor, or hrs right to vote whether found thereon or ivt, is objected to by any qnalibed eifisen, the In- I spector Shall examine such pereoii on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided in the state one year or more; his oath shaM be a proof thereof, but he ahatl 1 prove by nt least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he resided within the district at teas! ten days next immediately preceding he election, and shal also himself swear his lona fide residence, iu pursuance of lawful culling is within the district, and that he did remove into said district fur tlie purpose of voting therein. Every peson qualified as aforesaid, oiid who shall make proof, if required, of resideinSand payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall lie admitted to vote in (he township, ward or district in which he shall reside.

If any person not qualified to vote in aeeably to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) ihall appear at any place of election for the pflTpose of issuing tickets, or influencing citizens qualified to vote, hs shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any stim-nci exceeding one hundred dollars for every one such oftener, and be imprisoned, for any term not exceeding three mortths. It shall he 'the duty of every mayor, nhftimnri justice of the and constable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within commonwealth, whenever culled upon by anv officer of on election, or by any three qualified electors thereof, to clear any window or avenue to any window, to the place of general election, which shall be obstructed in auch a way as to prevent voters from approaching the same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on such requision, said officer shall be deemed guilted of misdemeanor in office and on conviction shall be fined in any sum n'it less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars and it shall be the duty of tlie respective constable of each district or township, of this common weftth to be present tn person by deputy, at (he place of holding such elections in each ward, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace aa aforesaid. It shall be the duty of every peace officer, as aforesaid, who shall lit present at any such disturbances at ml election as is descrilwd in this act, to report the fame to the. next court of quarter sessions, and also the names of the witnesses who can prove the same. The Judges are to make their returns for the corfrrt of Softhwtiherland.

ai the Court House, in Sunbury, on day of October. A. D. fs5R. HERNY WEISS, Scrirf.

ftherifPa'Ofllrt; Sunbarv. Sept. 13, 1858. 4t. Pennsjkrtttia Wire Works.

156 Arch St. net ween Seond Third. (Opposite Bread Street.) PHIL ADELi'H IA. Sievest Riddle, Screens, Woven Wire Of all AfehM and Widths, with ail kinds' plain aiid Faticjr Vire Work; of i TTEATY Ttvilled Wire for fc'litcnera; Cnal, Sand and Grarel Screens; Paper Makers Wire Cylinder Dandy Rolls, co-vered in the best manner; Wire and Vire Fencing. A very sliperlof article of Heavy Founders' Sievei.

All kihdsof iron Ore Wire and Sieves. BATLIS8, DARBY LYNN. August 23, 1856 com JOUN'TY ORDERS. County ordera taken as cash for gaoda, and on note or book no-count by E. Y.

BRIGHT 4- SOX Sept, 13, I85U. Ir4 tsfptr MnicB, bcBird iU North by l'rirT Jtrwt tl bolk br land cf J. M. Pattou OB tfee bv lha African church acd lot of barrey and en the east by- an alley, sikwrean ia emteda framt daril.Lg Loum on and a Lalf ilorusi tc'uei takvn in execnUffii and exld aa tLa jiropcrty cf Samuel Stater. By Tirtite rf a certain writ of Fn-ah.

to me dirwted. will be axpur to jmblit Fal at the Court Hu-m iu bunbury, un Mao-rlat tha 3d day November next, at 10 o'clock that certain two and one and a half tort frame houae, mekuseo aud teueuient fit- nate in the lou of Trevorton in county of I Norlhupjbvriaud, oa the rl ia aid town c*ntaiuiug in fcort on said Market leet mora or Lsa and in depth i.bout Jweuty two feet wiih a kitchen attached in th of the main buildinp twelve feet by 'urteen and the lot or pieceof pronnd tnd. cartilage appurlenant to said building aaid lot buug No. 3, in the jdot of the said town e(f Trevorton and beinfr twenty Ctb feet front and one hundred and fifty five feet deep nu bounded oa the eoulh or south west by Joseph Koiscr. inzed taken in execution and sold es the property of Join Garret and Mary Esther Uarret wife ofsaid John V.

Garret. 1LS0. Hy" virtue of a certain writ of LnvxRi F.t-rus, to me directed, will be exposed to public at the Court II oui-e iu rrunliury, on imday the 3d day of November at lit oj rock A. A certain two story steam Haw Mill and engine house situate on llurk linn, in the township of Coal in the county r.i aud oa lands adjoining' taiul-surveyed iu the name of Kohert Gray 'mid others, and said Steam Saw Mill building coutaitiing sixty feet in length and thirty livu feet in width mora or less. Said baw Mill and engina house Jjuildiufr beinjr attached together and makinff one building, and the bit or pieco or tract of land nnd curtilajre appurtenant to said Seized taken iu execution and sold aa tlio property tf the Uip Improvement Company owners or reputed owners and Samuel Kjlc contractor.

.11. SO. By virtue of writ of I.k-yaki Fa-UK, "to me directed will bo exposed to public talo at the Court House in Sunbury the 3d day of NovetnUer next, at i M. that certain two story nith basem*nt three stjry brick building in- i tenfled to be iiSed us a College by the defendant's, niesiiago and tenements, situate in the town of Shame-tin, Coal township, Northumberland cotintv. beins oas hundred et in front, by fifty feet in depth.

I he hall or main entrance thereof beitij? twenty leet th, uni? tliii wing3 upon either side of! 1" tliii hail tort leet equare, ana erecieu npou block No. 57, us marked and designated in the general jilsti of said of 'bamokin, bounded bv -irch street, eighth nhu Chestnut ti'etlier with the lot or piece of jrrouiiiJ cartilage appurtaiial.t to said tuUon in execution and sold as of the Shamokin Cullegiate luitiitjte. Bv virtue of certain writ of Vr.x. Exfosxs to me directed, will be exposed lo public cale, ot the Court House in Sunbury, on Monday the od of- fiovcnibcr next, at 10 o'clock, A. the following property to wit A c.niain tract or niece of Land, situate ir: townsbiji, riorthuinberland county, ad- joining hinh of'namuel Peter llrmahan end oilier-, coi.tutt.iilg -3 Acres more or less lira 1 al 1 of wbL-ll are cleared, whereon is erect- i ti a hoese, log stable and small shop, Ac.

Hc.zed taken in execution and to be solj the property of Nathaniel Schrieber. ALSO: I Pv virtue of a cenain writ of VEXniTto. Jix- pox'as, to me directed, will be expesed lo public sale at the House, in the lmrougn fciinhury, on SATl'KDAY, the 25th of October next, the following described real estate lo wit: A certain tract or piece of land, situnic in "Lower 'Augusta township, Northumberland Counlv, adjoining lands of Daniel Conrad. Samuel Garinger and other, containing five seres, more or leis, ail of which is cleared, whereon are erected a Two Story Brick and a Frame Stable. ei7.eytkeii into execution, and to I'e sold as lUc property of George McCarty.

By virtue of a cot tain writ Fieri Facias to me directed, will be exposed to piiblic sale at the Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday tiio 25tli day of October, next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. A ceVfafn Tract of Ltnd, situate iu iihamokin towiiihip, Nortliumbcrhnd county. calieu the otarizei iracu, unjoining mim i i KricW contiimnr 100 Acres more or less, t'oe timber has been cut p.atoining lands oi Also, upon another certain Tract Land, situate in said adjoining lands of the heirs of Daniel Campbell, Jacob.

Reed end others, con tattling 30 Acres more or less, nearly all of which is cleared, whereon are erected a two story frame House and a frame Barn, outbuildings, tipon anotlior Tract ef Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of Saihual John, Jacob Leisenrhig. Joseph Adams nnd others, containing 100 acres more or less, be-ing timber land. Also, upon a certain Tract if improved Land, situate in Bush township, Northumberland county, called the Bellas adjoining lands of E. C. Barton; Alexander Moore and Godfrey Rockefeller, containing 30 acres more, or undivided half part of.

a Switch and work at the Railroad at Reed's Station. i Aha, upon the defendant's interest in the Taxinos Furnace, Engine, store bouse, lionse, dwelling bouse, stabling, saw mill and all buldings, tc appurtenant to said Furnace. Also, the lot or piece of ground appurtenant thereto, containing two acres more or less which is subject to the terms of a lease -held upon the same by Jacob Reed. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Horatio G. Taggart, Jo-siah Furman'and Eltsha (J.

'Barton, partners under the firm of Taggart, Furtnan and Barton. ALSO: By virtue of a certain writ of Lt.vaiu Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court, House in Sunbmy, on Saturday the 25th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. Al that certain Three Story Frame Building, beside basem*nt and attic, situate, in the town of Mount Carmprin the coHnty of Northumberland, intended for a Hotel and called the Mount Car el House, being seventy feet in front or length- on Mount Carmel street, in said town, ntty taet aa depth and being located on lots numbered respectively, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen in block' No. 81, in the plan of said town, and also the lots of and curtilage arputte-Jtant lo said building.

Seized taken in execution ani to be sold as the property of Thomas Charlea W. Hegins, Wm. L. Heffenstein, Win. L.

Dcw-ort, illex. Jordan, David Francis W. Hughes, John John M. Blckel, owara and eontractors. ALSO: By Tirte of a cartain writ of Pi.

to wo directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the public bouse of A. Osmun, in the town of Shamokin, on MONDAY; the 13th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. a certain lot of ground, situate in the town pf Shamokin in Coal township, Northumberland county', nnd marked in tie original plan of laid town No.4.3: bounded on the East by lot No. 436 lot Ka 434; oft tb North bv pfttj 'gtrelty'aud oa cf a araul and at lha Mbl tirna lU a tt tl kf a aaauruneBt a atrarl frvm. ttuvrknrfwa sad tba trad anil tlraaa i ana call aclora purrhan(, a asj iralW UWparV awnl as well tapylmA a iaw4 la sVsaan4 (ur trj aitirla ia lUe t'ur Uu.

awl at tha loaroat (MMiUa ManulacUirera Pruw. JyilX FAIXIRA. 24 Mmld Street. rkilulrlptu, 8rK. V0, If it.

-tuiar. EAGLE HOTEL, vvrofiTf. wfTBR.Nca Base-, WII.IJAMSPOBT, MILLItn 11. nti. froprlelor.

A. fTaiat, ilasauant i K. B. An Omnltius ran to aail from tba DrpM and Tackat Laadjara, to Ua Hotel, fre of charga. September II, 18f.

tf DISSOLUTION. JflE parttwratiifi hirttuforr eiuluig Vtwern Ui underabine4, okIct tba firm of Willtcr-aon Reno ai tins diy (Sept. 6 1856,) diaaol-vtd by mutual oinaonl ISAAC M. WII.KER80N, JECOB REN Be ft 13, 16.8. tf; "AID km COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics.

ISAAC M. W1LKERSOX, Resiiectfully amounra that he has taken the stand lately occupied by George Rerm, where he i prepared manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the sttentiai -1 of the public to his large and splendid aa-ortment of every quality and price ef AI.KT-WAKE which cannot fail to reiommind Haelftoevery who will examine It, on account of its dura a) workmanship and splendid finish, made up of 1 best stock tu be had in the city. No effort spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up With the many improvements which are constantly bol made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofaa, IMvaiiM and Lounges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINIM TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to delphia manufacture.

BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE-STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. Ho also manufacture all kinds and qualities chairs; luumg varieties never Detoro to -l had ir Sunbury, such as Black Waiicot ash Cuhleii Mafle Gbsciav; anii Wixnsna CHAIRS, a iro rAifCT Piao Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shalH- no frvr r.rnr,. I be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in tne cities, every contnlcnce can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as lliey can be purchased elsewhere.

Country Produce taken in payment for Ir" UNDERTAKING. Having provided handsome he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this, vicinity, or at any convenient distance from $hi place. 13? The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be-ow Weaver's Hotel. ISXAC M. WILKINSON.

Sunbury, Sept. 13, 185C tf. PFNIfSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED I3ST "STORK, OFFERS young men all the advantages of a thorough Business Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Book-Keeping, as applied to Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Manufacturing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individual, Partnership, and Compound Company Business. PENMANSHIP in nil the Ancient and Modem Hands.

Also, I.ECTL'RES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circulars, address the undeisigned, T. K. WHITE, York, Pa.

September 6, lSSfi. fim. A PJSNXY SAVED, IS A PENNY WE have just receHea direct-from PhiladeU, dhia a fresh supply of goCds; suitableibr the fall trade. We are now disposing of our Summer Stock, at VERY LOW to make room for our winter supply. Now is the time to secure bargains.

E. Y. BRIGHT SON. Sept. 13, 1856.

LAST NOTICE: ALL persons knowing themselves indebt ed to the estate of David Martz, late of Sha mokin township, nre hereby notified that un; less they call and settle their accounts on of before the 20(h of October next, they will be charced interest on the same, and the ac counts will be placed in the hands of a ma gistrate for collection alter that time. HENRY MARTZ, Adm'r. Paxinos, Sept. 20, 1856. 3t.

"notice" hereby given that letters of Administration- have lieen granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Simeon Oberdorf, late of Rush township Northumberland county, deceased. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. WILLI AM REED. Up. Augusta Sept.

13, 1854 6t Vanilla Ueail8 A fresh assortment received by WM; A. BRUISER. June 21. 18S6. LABORERS WASTED.

A NUMBER of good Laborers are wanted on Section 42 of be Northern Central Rail Road, below Trevorton bridge. Good wages paid and the best kind of accommodation 'given. Apply to WM, GAUpLER, on the works, or to H. B. MASSER, July 185S.

Sunbury, Pa. 1JMLE8 for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, Beatty's edge tools, planes and bench screws for sale by E. Y. BRJUHT it 8ON1 May 31t 1856. PLATFORM SCALES.

OF every description, suitable for railroad for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchaser run risk every acale is guaranteed correct, arid if after trial, not found satisfactory can be tetumed without charge, Factory at the O'Jtf Stand, 6staT)1lshed for more than twenty years corner of Ninth and. Melon StreetSj ABBOTT CO, Suecessonr to Ellicott Abbott. Philadclpliia, Sept 13, 1856. cam.

Tableand Pocket Cutlery, alarg selection tf various patterns for sale by -May 31 5, f. t. BRIGHT Cancer Cured, rANCEBS. Tuaiart. Mam IMcwa, ftrofura Wbiu Swelling kc yrrd without tiurcal pparattona by Dr.

Laouabarry. Dr. L'a Pamphlet (7nJ, 3d.) oa tba treatment and ear of Caacrra, Turajra, will ba aenl to any addraaa (Ira) oa raciH of a pnalaf a itamp 0ra 1 IS WALNUT 81, PliiladaljjlU. ept 6, 1853m faClarR klUaa, KVVIR Law of the lis 04 Rievtau, I te of tkt I nmo HiXd H4U0fSlud II Cm. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lati wain awax, Tiiice Strett, abort Tiiird, rillLAUKLrHIA.

ffHE above well-known Establishment, have- ing been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly furnished throughout, will be opened for the rece tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flatter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patronv. Carriages will always be in readiness to con' vey asengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. RIDES r-nT0 VER, Race Street, above 1 hird. Philadelphia, August 30, 18i6.

ly farm'for SALE. A valuable Farm, sitnute in Jackson tow.r-ship, Northumberland County, adjoining lands of Jacob Ililbish, Jonas Wolf, Jacob Seiler and others. CONTAINING 190 ACRES, will be sold at public sale, on the Oh SATURDAY, the 25th day of October, next. The land is of good quality, 125 acres being cleared, about f.0of which is pood Meadow, ou the banks of the creek. The rest is well timbered with a variety of pood timbei.

The improvements are a new TWO STORY FRAME HOU8E, -a hog Barn and other outbuildings. Tlio farm is well stocked with good Fruit. Conditions will ba rnndo known on the day of sale. In the meantime persons wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber. HENRY LA IIR.

Jackson August 23, 1 6. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMS PORT, J. tl. KKLTO.V, I'ronrlcSor. "Pt.

13. Ib56. tf Notice to Tax-Payers. jVOTrCE is hereby given to -the delinquent Collectors of Nortiiuhlberland County for the year 1855. ihnt ihey are called upon by this notice to settle of their duplicate on or beforo the November Court next, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law.

PHILIP KBN3T, FREDERICK HAA.i, CHAS. HOTTENSTINE. Commissioners' olncc, Commissioners. Sunbury. Aug.

16, 1856. TAHMERS OF THIS AEIOIIBOR-I1O0U! Grewers of Wheat and fiia, Hre Leinau'' Super Phosphate of gnu want heavy Crops, or Leinau's American Fertilizer. fTHESE valuallo Manures have been used for J- the past six years successfully for the Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Bermuda and Barbadoes A barrel, (250 lbs) is sufficient for an Acre of Land. The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase the Crop and improve the soiling, doubling the value of the land. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is $40 00 a ton.

Nitregened $50 00, the American Fertiliser 5 00 per or $3 50 a Barrel, Si 25 a Keg also, every variety of Gusno, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, Powdered Charcoal GEO. Ko 19 South Front Goods delivered free of charge. 12? To Wholesale Dealers, a liberrl discount Pamphlets in English and German Languages Gratis. Ordera at a distance, Cash accompanying or Draft, promptly attended to by U. A LEINAU, Proprietor.

PHIAD'A Pa. N. B. Diplomas, have been awarded from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society New Vork Crystal Palace Association and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. Philadelphia, Aug.

16, 1856. 3m. w. HIM HI', tW ItK.M ii, s.O., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPS RAG 5 Minor stheet, piuladeva 100 tons Rags wanted for Cash. August 23, 1856.

6m TDE-LM TISTHY- S.MICK RENN, Announce to the citizens of Sunbury, and vicinity that they have opened an office in Sunbnrv, one door east ol the Post Office, where tliey are prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession in the latest and most improved style. -Sunbury, August 23, 1856 4f: STriTBlTKY ACADEMY; nHIS Institution, -bnder the charge of Issac Huff, Principal, will commence its Winter Term of six months on the second Monday of September- next, in place, at "the Academy Rooms, atljolnibg the Lutheran Church. Good boarding in private families can bo procured from $2,25 to $2,50 per week. Sunbury, Aug. 80, 1856.

Carpeting of all kinds, floor and table Oil Cloths and oil shades of the latest sty rt for sale by Y. BRIGHT SON; jacobVainter's estate. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of Administration have been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Jacob Painter, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dec'd. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on John Buyers, near Sunbury, for settlement who is duly authorized to act in the premise. GEO.

A. FRICIt, Adm'r. Danville, Aug. 30, 1 Gt i SPICES, coffee, molasses, tec, aoeoa Water and Sugar biscuit for sale by May 31 '58. E.

BRIGHT SQV. GOSHEN CHEESE Just received and for ah by FBASHOLTZ PETRY. Bayt 13, 1858..

The Sunbury Gazette, and Northumberland County Republican from Sunbury, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.