Edmonton Journal from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2024)

a to the stiff two a charges what state a THIRTY Czechs Jail Two On Spy Charges PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, (Reu-Two Czech translators of the United States information prison service were given sentences Thursday on of espionage, spreading hostile propaganda and supplying secrets to the chief of the press department of the U.S. embassy. to Lubes Elsrer was sentenced -18 years and Miss Dagmar Kacerovska to 15 confiscated." prowas ordered The U.S. embassy said Miss Kacerovska failed appear for work.March 10 and Elsner dropped out of sight week later. other after The trial came Czech employees U.S.IS.

quit their jobs because of the Czech news described as "the growing hostile attitude" of that service toward Czechoslovakia. Both defendants were also found guilty of insulting an ellied state -Russia. The prosecutor summed up by saying the trial had given complete picture of the work of U.S.I.S. "which served only to attack and insult the Czech nation, its institutions and its government." The service, the prosecutor leged, had issued bulletins falsifying news and had distributed material which it was not possible to control or confiscate. said it had been proved that Joseph C.

Kolarek, head of the U.S. embassy press departmetendants collected news which confessed was espionage. NEW YORK. (AP)- -The United States information service, two of whose Czech employees were given stiff prison terms in Prague Thursday for alleged spying, long has been a target in the Czechoslovak campaign against the U.S. The Czech government has used all kinds of police activity and propaganda against the agency.

For months plainclothes policemen have been stopping Czechs coming out of U.S.I.S. quarters in -Prague, taking their names them. and addresses and questioning Czech postal authorities frequently have confiscated the Czech-language bulletins of the U.S.I.S. and the foreign ministry has forced the U.S.I.S. to withdraw some posters from its windows on grounds they were insulting.

But the U.S.I.S. has continued to be a favorite with many Czechs. Hundreds citizens crowd into its library every day. OLSEN BREAKS LEG OCEANSIDE, (AP) John Siguard Olsen, 58, of the "Olsen and Johnson" comedy team, suffered a fractured leg Thursday in an automobile accident while en route to San Diego for rehearsals of a new show. The Olsen-Johnson show "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Paree!" will be given premiere here Monday.

An understudy will appear for Time Bombs Wreck Aircraft Seven of the 71 aircraft which a Hong Qong court awarded to the Chinese Communist government were damaged by homemade time bombs on April 2. Sabotage is suspected, with those responsible believed to be disillusioned Chinese Airline employees who earlier deserted to the Reds. This is one of th planes after explosion of a bomb. Magnificent Full Weather ON BOARD H.M.C.S. MAGNIFICENT, (CP.) -Canada's: only weather forecasting office afloat is located in this aircraft carrier, homeward bound for Halifax from a two-month training cruise to the Caribbean.

To ensure complete and up-todate weather information, the carrier's meteorological department maintains a round-theclock schedule, producing three forecasts and four weather maps daily. They are based on weather data received from shore stations and the 24 observations made each day from the ship. To assist in preparing ocean weather maps, the Magnificent reports to shore several times daily on local weather conditions. Prior to flying operations, pilots and observers are given a complete weather briefing. This includes information on surface winds, upper winds, type, amount and height of cloud, visibility, temperature aloft, freezing level, swell.

"The 'met' department has seldom given us a bad steer," one pilot said. The weather office is as well equipped as any meteorological station ashore. Large red and white balloons are launched four times daily to determine the direction and velocity of the wind at various altitudes. These are traced either visually or by radar. In charge of the "met" office is W.

F. Ganong, of Digby, N.S.. a meteorologist of the department of transport. He is assisted by A. H.

Osborne, Stellarton, N.S., and seven meteorological observers of Royal Canadian Navy. THE EDMONTON JOURNAL. Mrs. Fred Rose May Be Candidate MONTREAL, (CP)- -The Montreal Gazette in newspage story Friday says that Mrs. Fred Rose, wife of a former M.P.

convicted on espionage charges, will be Laborthe Progressive party candidate in forthcoming Montreal- Cartier federal byelection. Rose, only member of the LaborProgressive party ever to be elected to parliament, now is serving A six-year penitentiary term. He was elected to represent Cartier in a byelection Aug. 10, 1943. Rose was one of 20 persons named in 1947 by a royal commission investigating espionage in Canada and he subsequently was sentenced to prison.

The Gazette says it has "learned from sources close to the party" that Mrs. Rose will have the support of Harry Binder and Gui Caron. former L.P.P. candidates if the riding in federal and provincial elections. The forthcoming Cartier byelection was made necessary by the recent death of Liberal member Maurice Hart.

No date has been set. About 20 names have been mentioned as possible Liberal candidates including Lazarus Phillips, defeated by Rose in 1943. Synthetic Drug Helps Arthritics CHICAGO, (AP) Two research groups seeking possible substitutes for ultra ACTH and cortisone in treating rheumatoid arthritis reported promising results Thursday with a plentiful synthetic. The drug is pregnenolone, a hormone- related substance. It is obtained from cholesterol.

a fatlike compound found in all animal fats and oils. Separate research groups tried it on patients. Half of a group of 30 patients receiving the drug in one test reported "striking relief and 11 others reported mild improvement. Six of seven patients in another test said they obtained relief from stiffness and great improvement in muscle strength. The studies were reported in publications of the American Medical Association.

However, the authors of both articles emphasized the need for further study of the drug. They described the results as preliminary. Archbishop Heads Rome Pilgrimage SAINT JOHN. N.B., (CP) Archbishop Alexandre Vachon, spiritual leader of some 216,000 Roman Catholics in Ottawa's archdiocese, headed more than 100 pilgrims from the Ottawa district who sailed Wednesday on the liner Empress of France for a Olsen. They include PO.

Alexander facturers and the union. Holy Year visit to Rome. Campbell, ANNIVERSARY "A SALE RY THAT IS A SALE" SALE 34. Value! Read these Specials! Buy these bargains! Save real Dollars! 5 pc. Chrome KITCHEN SUITE SALE PRICE Table.

4 chairs, $59.50 TO CEDAR LANE CHESTS 20 Pce. SALE PRICE, Large size, automatic tray. $59.50 BEDROOM 20 FANCY CUSHIONS SILK Pieces GROUP colors. SALE PRICE Variety of shades and $1.95 we agree You'll are that want it including is this worth all genuine 14 the extra total walnut price pieces suite to alone, and make will but this one of the most outstanding values of the MR. AND MRS.

year. Pee. genuine walnut bedroom suite. (Bed, CHESTS Chiffonier, Vanity Dresser, Bench), Unfinished 6 drawer 1 Hi-riser cable spring model. SALE PRICE 2 Pillows (feather) $24.95 1 Spring filled mattress 2 Boudoir pictures 3 Pee.

Vanity dressing set Pillow cases Chenille bedspread COFFEE AND 2 Vanity Lamps, complete Plastic photo frames LAMP TABLES SEE THIS IN OUR WINDOW Styled by Dellcraft 4 lovely models SALE PRICE, $19.95 All 20 Pieces, Only CHESTERFIELD $199.50 GROUP tables Latest to styles, complete smartest covering, Available As Low As $19.95 Down! SALE PRICE, ensemble. $199.50 WALNUT FERNERIES See Our Windows, Campbell SALE PRICE, Pedestal type. $9.95 Freight Alberta prepaid shipping to any FURNITURE point LTO. FURNITURE Campbell CONVENIENT TERMS 10135 I00A St KROEHLER 'PHont 25 EZ 4 a a a A REST ROCKERS On Major Purchases THE HOUSE OF PERSONALIZED SERVICE Choice of colors. SALE PRICE.

$47.50 1 BLOCK WEST OF THE POST OFFICE FRIDAT, APRIL. 11. 1930 First "Probie" At City Hospital Now A World Health Nurse By Nellie McClung She says she's thankful Chat she once had tuberculosis. For the nurse who was once sent home from India to die with the disease found that during her three years of convalescence she was able to evaluate her life, meet many brilliant doctors who were themselves once tuberculosis patients and, most important to the millions of sufferers in Pakistan today where she will soon return as chief nurse, she had time to think over plans for public health nursing. The woman who won her own victory over tuberculosis, Miss Florence H.

Martyn. Today, she is touring western Canada where the best public health nursing service in the world is to be found, and she will return to Pakistan shortly to impliment her findings in a country bereft of nursing staff since it gained independence. "The suffering has been terrible in the two key nations of Asia: India and Pakistan," says the forceful visitor to Edmonton this week. "There are two colleges of nursing in India but none in Pakistan where we will introduce our public health scheme, free from barriers of past institutions. But our greatest need today is nurses." Seeks Help Miss Martyn hopes to establish scholarships for this cause while she is in Canada.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaqat Ali Khan and his wife, the Begum Ali Khan, will be coming to the United States and Canada next month Women Lag In Politics Contrasting the 38 women in the Japanese Diet and women holding cabinet rank in India, the number of women elected to political office in Canada lags far behind the many so-called "backward" countries, Mrs. C. R. de la Vergne, president of the Liberal Women's Association, told members of the Edmonton Women's Liberal Club in addressing the April meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. N.

V. Buchanan. There are four women in provincial, governments legislatures, and throughout 16 the in dominion; and out of seven running for election to the house of commons last June, none was successful. The present government's contributions in social welfare, hospital grants, and medical care in the provinces were of special interest to both rural and urban women. The program of health and welfare as outlined by Hon.

Paul Martin should be well studied, she said. Mrs. de la Vergne described organization work and the setting up of new clubs in the southern part of the province. Mrs. F.

J. Conroy presided. Mrs. Buchanan was tea hostess after the meeting. Mrs.

George Prudham, and Mrs. J. H. Prowse poured tea. Assisting in serving were Mrs.

H. G. Turner, Mrs. J. L.

Bernard, Mrs. W. Philion, Mrs. W. Sharawara, Mrs.

J. W. Welbourn, Mrs. Paul Ragan, and Miss Ruth Buchanan. 300 Guests Attend W.M.A.

Luncheon Yellow and pale green decorations marked the tables at a luncheon held Wednesday in the lower hall of Central United Church, sponsored by the church W.M.A. About 300 guests attended and were received by Rev. and Mrs. E. H.

Birdsall and Mrs. W. B. Yule, president. Hostesses for the event were M.

Ingram, E. T. Love, Mrs. A. Greig, Mrs.

L. Wismer, Mrs. H. H. Tooke, Mrs.

R. K. Colter, Mrs. John D. Hughes, Mrs.

A. Duncan, Mrs. A. C. Stewart, Mrs.

I. P. Dickie, Mrs. Rhad Brown, Mrs. Gordon McClary.

Mrs. Frank Rowland, Mrs. Arthur Southworth, Mrs. E. M.

Beckwith, Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, Mrs. A. Hunter, Mrs. H.

Hughes, Mrs. C. A. Butchart, Mrs. R.

Campbell, Mrs. A. Kirby and Mrs. Dan Ritchie. Mrs.

William Ramage was in charge of arrangements assisted by her committee, and serviteurs were young women of the church. Mrs. Herbert E. Craig was soloist, and little Sandra Neve and Billy Stocks, pupils of Miss Audrey Mitchell, gave two scenes from Hansel and Gretel. Texas Disaster Federal Liability HOUSTON, (AP) A federal judge Thursday pinned responsibility for the Texas City disaster on the United States government, and accused the government of "blunders, mistakes and acts of negligence." More than 500 persons were killed in April, 1947, by explosions and fires which turned the Texas harbor town into a holocaust.

The disaster began with an explosion aboard the French-owned freighter Grandcamp, carrying ammonium nitrate. (The World Almanac listed property damage at 000,000. Judge T. M. Kennerly ruled in a test damage suit.

He then extended his ruling to cover $200,000,000 in damage suits filed by 8,485 parties. The 76-year-old jurist's ruling, three days short of three years after the great disaster, means each of the suits must be tried separately before a federal judge, on its merits. The mass trial of the $200,000,000 in damage suit was to determine liability. It is the largest damage action ever brought against the U.S. government.

Births, Engagements, Marriages and Obituaries WARR: To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warr (nee Eva Shortridge) a E011 (Stillborn; on April 13 at the Misericordia Hospital, A souvenir Baby Book is given free to each family announcing 8 new arrival Announcement rate 81 50 Births Engagements THE announcement is made of the engagement of Katherine Ann, only daughter of Mrs. H. A.

Mackie, and the late H. A. Mackte, K.C. to FIt. Lt.

H. W. Stewart Bryan. R.C.A.F., only son of Mrs. H.

W. Brvan and the late Dr. Bryan of Renfrew, Ontario. MR. and Mrs.

Harry W. Guthrie announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Patricia to Mr. Derrill Leslie Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M.

Crawford all of Edmonton. 'The marriage will take place May 2, at Robertson United Church. Marriages MR. and Mrs. G.

D. Johnston of Willingdon announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Margaret Ella, to Sigmn. Harold Edward Hailand of Edmonton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. P.

Hailand of Weldon. Saskatchewan. The wedding took place April 7th at Vegreville United Church, Vegreville, MR. Mrs. F.

B. Baehler of West Jasper Place announce the marriage of their daughter Eleanor Elizabeth to Mr. Robert Neil. son of Mr. and Mrs.

S. MacDonald of Edmonton, formerly of Turner Valley. The marriage took place April 8, in St. Peter Lutheran Church. Rev.

A. J. Mueller officiated. Deaths Garvey Funeral Directors. GRACE M.

LAWLER MRS. MINNIE EDITH ANNIE EYRE ON April 13. Mrs. Minnie Edith Annie Eyre of 10405 97 widow of Charles Eyre passed away. She leaves to mourn her loss 2 Sons Philip and Ronald both of St.

Francis, 1 Daughter Mrs. C. Nielson of Sundrie, Alta. Funeral services will be held at the Telfordville United Church on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. Very Rev.

A. M. Trendell will officiate and interment will be made in the Telfordville Cemetery. Foster and Mc- Mrs. Grace M.

Lawler. of Los Angeles, formerly of Edmonton, passed away in Los Angeles. She was the beloved mother of Thomas Floyd and Clifford S. Lawler, sister of Minnie Mott, grandmother of Patricia Hale, William H. Ruth and Nancy Lawler, great-grandmother of Frank J.

Jr. and Jean Ann Hale. Funeral services were held Thursday, April 6, at 12:30 p.m., in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. KAREN JANET FLOEN ON April 13th.

aged 5 months, Karen Janet Floen, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Floen of Valhalla Centre. Alberta, passed away in the city. She is survived by her parents: two sisters Dianne and Gail, both at nome; her grandparents, Mr.

Mrs. C. Crantz of Hythe, Alberta, Funeral services will be held on Friday efternoon 3:30 o'clock at Howard and McBride's Chapel. Rev. Dr.

W. T. Young will officiate, and interment will take place in the Edmonton Cemetery. Howard and McBride Funeral Service. MRS.

MELLIE BERGEVIN ON April 13 Mrs. Mellie Bergeyin beloved wife of Arthur Bergevin of 10510 105 Edmonton passed away. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her loving husband, 1 daughter (Yvonne) Mrs. W. J.

Shillabear of Edmonton. 4. grandchildren and 2 brothers, Louis and Edward Garneau both of St. Paul, Alta. Funeral services will be held from Foster and McGarvey's Funeral Chapel to the Sacred Heart Church Monday morning at 10 a.m.

Monsignor M. J. O'Gorman will officiate and interment will be made in the Edmonton Roman Catholic Cemetery. Friends will meet at Foster and McGarveys Funeral Chapel for Prayers on Night at 8 and McGarvey Ltd. Funeral Directors.

MR MURDO MORRISON ON April 13 Mr. Murdo Morrison of Darwell, Alberta, passed away in Edmonton. He is survived by 1 brother John of Darwell. Alberta. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Foster and McGarvey Funeral Directors. MRS. AGNES SALOME TOMLINSON ON April 13. Mrs. Agnes Salome Tomlinson widow of Edgin Tomlinson of 11903 93 passed away.

She leaves to mourn her loss 1 son, Carl of Edmonton, 2 daughters. Mrs. A. o. Millions of Edmonton.

Mrs. Harley Rizor of Toledo. Ohio, 8 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Foster and McGarvey's Funeral Chapel on Saturday afternoon at 2:45. Rev.

E. H. Birdsall will officiate and interment will be made in the Edmonton Cemetery. Supervised Parking on Chapel Grounds. Entrance on 100 Ave.

Foster and McGarvey Ltd. Funeral Directors. MRS. LUCIENNE DOMINIQUE ON Thursday April 13. Mrs.

Lucienne Dominique of Edmonton possed away at the age of 61 years. She is survived by her loving husband. Mr. Theophile Dominique of Edmonton, 1 son. 1 daughter; Arthur at home, Mrs.

Adele Shanks of Edmonton: also 2 grandchildren. sister, Mrs. Alice Rosse of Sylvan 1 Lake Alberta: 2 sisters and 2 brothers in France. Funeral services will be held on Monday April 17, at 2:00 p.m. at the Chapel on the Boulevard.

Rev. H. C. Allco*ck will officiate and interment will be made in the Beechmount Cemetery. Park Memorial Limited.

Funeral Administrators and Directors; The Chapel on the Boule- vard. MRS ANNIE KUSHNIRUK Chapel on the Boulevard). MR. JOHN WAKALUK ON April 11. Mrs.

Annie Kushniruk beloved vife of Mr. of Ispas, passed away in Two Hills the age of 44 years. Besides her husband she is survived by 3 sons end 2 daughters. Nick and John of Istas. Mike at Two Hills, Mrs.

Mary Choban of Kaleland. Rose at home; 2 grandchildren and 1 sister. Mrs. Hutzkal of Ispas. Funeral services will be held on Thursdav.

April 13 at 9:30 a.m. from the family residence to the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church. Brinsley. Rev. H.

Wasyliw will officiate and interment will be made in the church cemetery. Park Memorial Funeral Administrators and Directors (The ON April Mr. John Wakaluk of North Edmonton. passed away in a city hospital at the age of 67 vears. He is survived by his wife and family in the Ukraine.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, April 15th at 3:30 p.m. from Hainstock's Funeral Chapel. Interment will take place in the Beechmount Cemetery. Hainstock and Son, Ltd. Directors of Funeral Service.

WILLIAM GORDON LYON On April 12, Mr. William Gordon Lyon of Melton Ontario passed away in Edmonton. He is survived by his Mother, Mrs. A. I.

Lyon, of Melton, Ontario. Funeral Arrangements will be announced later. Foster McGarvey Funeral Directors RED IMPORTS SCORED WASHINGTON, (AP) Rep. Thor Tollefson called on Treasury Secretary John Snyder Thursday to bar imports of raw furs from Russia. He wrote Snyder that furs imports jumped from 000,000 yearly before the war to $167.000,000 and that about onethird of them come from Russia.

Deaths MR. JOHN HAROLD OSLUND On April 12, Mr. John Harold Osiund of 12142 101 passed away at his residence. Ha leaves to moura his loss besides his loving Wife 1 son, Elmer of Edmonton. 2 daughters, Beatrice of Washington.

D.C.. Doris of Edmonton: 3 brothers. Carl of Canyon Creek. Hampts of Glen Park, Manfred of Canyon Creek. Funeral services will be held at Foster and 1 McGarveys Funeral Chapel on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 P.M.

Rev. J. A. Vikman will officiate and interment will be made in the Beechmount Cemetery. Supervised parking onl Chapel Grounds.

Entrance on 100 Ave. Foster McGarvey Funeral Directors CECIL SYDNEY BIRD ON April 13, Mr. Cecil Sydney Bird of Cardiff. Alberia passed away at the age of 60 years. He leaves to mourn his loss his loving wife and one son Gerald of Vencouver and one sister.

Mrs. B. Fletcher of Pulborough. Sussex, England. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, by Connelly-McKinley Ltd.

Carries Office McLean, Saskatoon, and Able Seamen Donald Ball, Toronto: Adrew Denko. Val d'Or, L. J. McCallum, Ottawa: W. J.

Johnson, Peterborough, J. C. S. Switzer, Kingston, and G. D.

Murray, Vulcan, Alta. The St. Stephen, operated by the department of transport as an Atlantic, weather observation post. maintain. a complete weather forecasting office.

The vessel is used as an observing station, but does not compile weather charts or make forecasts. Canada expects to put two more weather ships into operation some time this fall. Both will be used for observation off Canada's Pacific coastline, but will not make forecasts. Start Pension Fund For Clothing Union TORONTO, (CP) Establishment of a pension fund for 3,500 workers in the men's clothing industry in Ontario to which an amount representing three percent of the payroll will be contributed was announced Thursday. The agreement followed an arbitration award by Prof.

Jacob Finkleman. James C. Firth of Hamilton, president of the Associated Clothing Manufacturers, and Sol Spivak of Toronto, manager of the Ontario section of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, gave the result of negotiations which led to renewal of the union contract for another three years. The joint statement said that 31 years of unbroken relationship have existed between the manu- FLORENCE MARTYN seeking help for the struggling young country. The distinctively dressed nurse whose singularity attracted attention at the A.A.R.N, convention here this week, was the first probate to register at the Royal Alexandra Hospital School of Nursing, graduating with the Class of 1915.

Wednesday evening she was a colorful figure when the hospital alumnae held their annual banquet. She wore a sky blue sari woven with gold thread and turquoise Tibetan jewelry in her neatly brown hair. Her silver necklace and bracelet marked her as a hill village woman of Almora, the jewelry of the poor people amongst whom she has served. Miss Martyn claims she is a "hilibilly" herself and the fact that was born in the Laurentians establishes her as "pahari" (from the hills), a fact which won her respect in a land where the "pahari" are not to be underestimated. World Traveller The nursing career of the woman who kept her resolution to go to India despite her family's threats of disinheritance, has rewarded her by taking her all around the world.

After studying at the Kennedy School of Missions in Hartford, and taking her midwifery in Dublin, she was set to Kangara in the Punjab. Although she contracted tuberculosis and was sent home. she studied laboratory technique at Yale University while at Gaylord Farm Later she was assistant lab-director at Amsterdam, N. and for directed a private lab at Hartford. Conn.

In 1944 she took her bachelor's degree at St. Joseph's College in Hartford. The Methodist Church Board sent her to Almora, in 1945 and the government of Bengal borrowed the capable nurse to supervise their nursing services. Miss Martyn will receive her Master's degree in June for her thesis on introducing public health nursing in Pakistan. Miss Martyn will be in Edmonton until Tuesday, the guest of Mrs.

Kate Lyons. "Ignore Fatigue, Says Legal Consul WINNIPEG, (CP) If you have that tired feeling, just ignore it, says Mildred McMurray, legal consultant of provincial welfare services and "graciously and gracefully sail on." "You needn't coddle or give in to she told a women's meeting. "You not only have a second wind, but a third, fourth and fifth wind." Most of the tiredness in the world was caused by a desire to escape from unpleasant tasks and situations, not by overwork. Newest question of psychologists was "who is the matter with you?" not "what is the matter with you?" Windsor Talks With Oilmen CALGARY, (CP)--The possibility that oil derricks may again be seen on the Duke of Windsor's EP ranch was the subject of speculation in oil circles here Thursday. The rumors followed a meeting between the Duke and geologists and officials of the Royalite Oil Company.

Royalite officials only comment on the one-hour talk was that no deal has been made so far. The Duke's foothills ranch--inspected Wednesday by the Duke and duch*ess on a brief visit- is about 10 miles south of Turner Valley oil field limits. The Duke's last venture into oil ended in failure in 1944 when drilling on his ranch produced only a "dry hole." Option among geologists as to oil possibilities in the ranch area is said to be divided. In an earlier interview here the Duke told reporters he would not consider further drilling "alone." The Royalite company at present is drilling 1,600 feet from the property line of the EP ranch. The Duke holds the oil, gas and mineral rights on the foothills property which he bought in 1919 and has not attempted to make a commercial ranching proposition.

Royalite well- -RoyaliteSocony-Pekisko No. 1-showed traces of oil and gas a short time ago. Further tests are expected to be run next month. Adding to the speculation on the purpose of the Duke's visit is the presence of his private secretary, V. A.

Waddilove. Mr. Waddilove has been reported in almost constant consultation with oilmen since his here from London Monday. The Duke and duch*ess will visit Banff Friday and leave Friday night by train for Ottawa, PAUL THEROUX The funeral will be held on Saturday morning at 10:45 from ConnellyMcKinley Funeral, Home to St. Joachim's Church where services will be held st 11 o'clock.

Rev. J. Patoine O.M.I. will officiate and the interment will take place in 'he Field of Honor. Edmonton Catholic Cemetery.

Prayers will be held on Friday evening at 8 'clock at the funeral home. Connelly-McKinley Ltd. MRS. JOSEPHINE (PRESTAS) LUBINSKI ON April 12, Mrs. Josephine (Prestas) Lubinski of 12245 86 St.

passed away at the age of 72 years. She 15 survived by her loving husband Carle; 1 son and 3 daughters, Mrs. Lydia Renner Spokane Washington, Mrs. Helen Dubois of Edmonton, Mrs. Mary Powell, also of Edmonton.

John of Vancouver. Also 10 grandchildren survive. Prayer services will be neld Friday at 8 p.m. at The Chapel on The Boulevard. Funeral services will be held April 15 at 10 a.m.

at the Holy Rosary Church. Rev Father Tomchak will offictate and interment will take place in the Edmonton Catholic Cemetery. Park Memorial Ltd. Funeral Administrators and Directors, The Chapel on The Boulevard. Funerals GEORGE BROCK WALSH Funeral services for George Brock Walsh of 10640 110th Street, who passed away April 10th.

aged 57 years, were held on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Howard and McBride's Chapel. Mr. A. M. McMullen of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints conducted the service.

Interment took place in the Edmonton Cemetery where dedication of the grave was given by Elder W. Russon. The hymns sung at the service were, "Some-time, Some-where We'll Understand" and "Oh My Father." Elder R. Stollings sang the solo. The pallbearers were: Elder C.

Edwards, Elder G. Meek, Elder C. Taylor, Elder A. Richards, William Bard and James McKinlay. Many beautiful floral tributes were received.

Mr. Walsh is survived by his wife; one son Howard of Edmonton: five daughters Mrs. D. Fraser of Toronto. Mrs.

John Marcy of Edmonton, Shari and Kory both of Vancouver and Joy of Edmonton; four brothers and two sisters. MR. METRO WERENKA FUNERAL services for the late Mr. Metro Werenka of 12514 Fort Road who passed away on April 8, at the age of 67 years were held on Wednesday, April 12, at 9:00 a.m. at the St.

Vladimir's Church, 6824 128 Ave. The Right Reverend Joassaff officiated and interment took place in the Beechmount Cemetery. Beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy were received from the following: Loving Family; Mother, Dad, Jean and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Wynnyk and Family; The Power House Gang (Canada Packers); Mrs.

Raymond and Daughters; Krukowskt Family; Canada Packers Mary, Herb and Boys; Mr. and Mrs. N. Ruptash; Mr. and Mrs.

W. Stembitsky; Rev. and Mrs. Floyde Coxson: Mr. and Mrs.

J. Krawchuk: Mr. and Mrs. G. Krawchuk; Mr.

and Mrs. P. Capjak; Mr. and Mrs. J.

Stetsko; Mr. and Mrs. M. Kaska; Mr. and Mrs.

P. Koska; Mr. and Mrs. S. Ryll; Mr.

and Mrs. M. Rychlo: Mr. and Mrs. P.

Cymbaluk; Mr. and Mrs. A. Schegosky; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Griff: Mr. N. Matuchuk: Mr. and Mrs.

N. Anderson; Mrs. P. Bucyk; Mr. and Mrs.

P. Panasiuk: Mr. and Mrs. B. Shewchuk: Mr.

and Mrs. P. Kabarchuk; Mr. and Mrs. Ozechowski: Mr.

and Mrs. B. Skidanjuk: Mr. and Mrs. W.

Mozil: Mr. and Mrs. N. Bukolech; Mr. and Mrs.

S. Skakum; Mr. and Mrs. J. Presisniuk; Mr.

and Mrs. S. Krekuniak: Mr. Mandryk; Mr. and Mrs.

Gorast; Mr, and Mrs. B. Feschuk: Mr. and Mrs. J.

Zaydell; Mr. and Mrs. G. Ruptash; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Boychuk; Mr. and Mrs. F. Kasper; Mr.

and Mrs. Krikewesky; Mr. and Mrs. Kosinski; Mr. and Mrs.

W. Runka: Mr. Fereruk; Mrs. Ostryzniuk, Mr. Lukosh; Mr.

and Mrs. Baron. He is survived by his loving Mrs. Helen Werenka of Edmonton, 4 daughters and 2 sons; Mrs. Mary Slychuk of Edmonton; Mrs.

Kay Okipiski; Mrs. Dorothy Gowlacki; Mrs. Pearl Cochrane all of Kamloops, B.C.: George of Victoria, B.C. and Nicholas of Edmonton: 1 brother, George of Austria: 12 grandchildren, KAROL SKIBA Karol Skiba passed away suddenly after a brief illness at his home 2013 Crystal Chicago Illinois on February 14. 1950 St.

Valentines Day at the age of 47 years and 10 months, Born in Debica Poland. Formerly of Mountain Park and Edmonton, He is survived by his loving wife and mother. 2 brothers and 5 sisters of Debica, Poland. B. F.

Malec funeral Chapel. Services were held at St, Stephan's church on Friday. February 17 at 10 o'clock. Pallbearers were: Paul Barnak, Joseph Przydial, Peter Wytrfal, Gene Rychlicki, Joseph Harhut, Loyis Toton. Buried in the family lot at St.

Albert's Cemetery. Beautiful floral and Mass offerings were received from relatives. friends and Club Zagorzyce and Mrs. V. Turlov and family of Edmonton, Alberta.

Cards Of Thanks WE wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends during our recent bereavement. The Walsh family In Memoriam IN LOVING memory of Sgt. Major John S. Bewsher who passed away April 14 1949. Not just today, but everyday In silence we remember.

Always remembered sadly missed by his loving wife and family. TO assist readers in preparing In Memoriam notices. The Journal has prepared A booklet of appropriate wordings Call. Write or Phone for vour copy. FLORISTS (2) RENE FLOWERS Miss Rene Hobbins 10183 100A St.

Ph. 26803 Eve. 41391 28355 MONUMENTS (3) The Alberta Granite, Marble and Stone Co Ltd 10702 101 St The only firm In Alberta with Machinery and Tradesmen to turn out quality Granite Memorials, When you buy from us vou buv from the Manufacturer When vou buy from others vou Dav for high freight rate on Monuments trom Eastern Canada plus an Eastern Manufacturer's profit. plus AD Alberta retaller's profit..

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.